poll about sp_delivery_te

In April 2008 the first alpha version of sp_delivery_te has been created.
2 months later Germany eiM published the final version for everyone.

ESL, CB and some smaller 1day cups added it to their mappool, so many ppl got in touch with it, but what's your opinion about it? Do you like it to play or do you still hate it like on the first day?

What has become of it? Competitive or not?
Comment on!

[ ] Yes, good map for 3on3
[ ] Yes, good map for 6on6
[ ] Yes, good map for 3on3 & 6on6
[ ] No, I dislike it, because ...
[x] Yes, good map for 3on3 & 6on6
[ ] Yes, good map for 6on6
[x] Yes, good map for 3on3 & 6on6
[x] Yes, good map for 3on3 & 6on6
[x] Yes, good map for 3on3 & 6on6
+ replace it for Goldrush :>
indeed +999
[x] Yes, good map for 3on3 & 6on6

Great map to watch on ettv tbh!!
No its not a good map,

too much lean and spam, first stage is too easy to pass and 2nd stage is just ridiculous because you have to do 2 objectives at same time
Too hard for chmpp to concentrate on more than one thing :>D
its just stupid that you can camp and lean nearly everywhere :(

would more like to play radar in 3v3 than delivery
Delete braundorf then, worst campmap ever :s
great 3on3 map
[ ] Yes, good map for 3on3 & 6on6 (hs hs hs hs hs)
camp,camp,camp,camp, camp
terrible in 3v3, good in 6v6
are u kididng meeee?
i can't aim, leaning and backraping suits my playstyle
it still cant be fun to play
beats most other maps :(
camping is fun? why you even play clanwars, stay on public
i don't like the game in general due to all the spam, hackers and whine. atleast on a map like delivery you can use the elevator! :(
whats the connection between elevator & spam, hackers, whine?
because the game is boring to play i only enjoy the smaller things, like the elevator. and still, the camping on delivery is nowhere near as bad as on maps like braundorf. there are loads of entrances so it's really not that hard to attack :-/
yea the elevator is awsome d00d
[x ] Yes, good map for 3on3 & 6on6

i LOVE this map! eiM that was a nice idea! (battery too ;p)

battery have to be more fame i think
whats now with that 3on3 yesterday with ahlric? will it repeat or not?
not,liga4fun is the most ridiculous league on earth :D
last matches they said its np cb has nothing to do with l4f and now our enemy whined so massivly that the match from yesterday is a loss...and probably all the others we played with alhric too.

[16:47] dezire: that admin
[16:47] dezire: has no brains
[16:47] dezire: 16:43] <MaxPauer> bans sind ligaübergreifend egal ob clanbase oder esl
[16:43] <Dezire> im not german
[16:44] <Dezire> so could you talk english
[16:44] <MaxPauer> german liga :)
[16:44] <Dezire> ye but im not german so atleast talk english to me

its funny idd ^^
oh ye i know that quote XD
admins make their own rules np!
wie ihr jetzt rumheult wegen dem match, l4f is eig. immer korrekt drauf und wenn ihr dann mim gebannten spieler spielt wundert ihr euch..
geht nich um das match an sich sondern darum dass die die matches davor wussten das alhric n cb ban hat und es hieß es is ok...und AUFEINMAL is es nich mehr ok ;) das is das einzige problem,wenn das "korrekt" ist,weiss ich auch nicht :D
wusste der admin das oder der gegner? :D
der admin :)
L4F nimmt nen Clan in Schutz, die mit nC-Spielern spielen und die Community auslachen, weil er nicht gebannt werden kann - und machen den ebenfalls gebusteten Leader dieses Clans zu einem Admin.

L4F IST lächerlich.
Und welcher admin ist das? Ich bin jetzt auch nicht up2date @ l4f, somit würd mich das wohl interessieren..
Keine Ahnung, ob DanLango immer noch Admin ist oder nicht. Aber das und die Weigerung von MaxPauer, ls, die mit einem Cheater den Cup gewonnen hatten, nicht mehr auf der Seite hochzujubeln, hat mich davon überzeugt, dort nie mehr einen Fuß reinzusetzen.
Mhja ok, an DanLango hatte ich so gar nicht gedacht, aber da hast du recht, ja. Du meinst aber doch eher nC-Bomi oder? Weil DanLango's PBBan-Eintrag ja schon ein Weilchen her ist, und ich ebenfalls nicht glaube dass er cheatet..jedenfalls jetzt z.Z. nicht ( mehr ).
Natürlich mein ich nC-bomi...

..ach ne..er war ja zuerst nur in deren Forum, dann wars n Bug, dann wars er doch, weil er es zugegeben hat, aber nur 1 Woche und niiiie innem Offi. Das wurde dann wieder vergessen und es war gar nicht seine IP.

Das gesamte Pack da kann man vergessen.
d4vid ist gebusted?
hätte auch gepasst bis auf das detail ;D
wtf? du findest david so gut dass du denkst er cheatet? :DDD
ich sagte doch, bis auf das detail ;o
das mit dem mit nC member spielen und sie verteidigen passt halt ^^
l4f won't stick to their own rules, so no :(
:( poor you.
it's not like I really care, we played all matches except the last one and we didnt win the league anyway, so... :p
i thought after you were busted you are able to play again :/
<this picture makes more sense than you>
[ ] Yes, good map for 3on3
[ ] Yes, good map for 3on3 & 6on6
i like it cuz you hv something to do at least.
[ ] Yes, good map for 3on3
[ ] Yes, good map for 6on6
[x] Yes, good map for 3on3 & 6on6
[ ] No, I dislike it, because ...
[X] Yes, good map for 3on3 & 6on6
yes a very nice map bitches
[X ] Yes, good map for 3on3 & 6on6
[X] Yes, good map for 3on3
[x] Yes, good map for 3on3 & 6on6
shit map
[X] Yes , good map for 3on3 & 6on6

even 2on2 !
[x] Yes, good map for 3on3 & 6on6

[x] Yes, good map for 6on6
[x] Yes, good map for 3on3 & 6on6
[x] Yes, good map for 6on6
[ ] No, I dislike it, because ... its so fast and there are so many ways and walls and i dont get the map and im too lazy to learn it, cause imo there are still better ones, which should be in the mappools instead
Quoteand im too lazy to learn it

why learn shit maps, if there are still good ones out?
image: f7y77meg
It makes sense...
the picture. why ppl throw stones to a table that writes "dont throw" ? Because ppl like to do the opposite, so this is the sense.
omg, its about the sense of the sign, never such a dumb person, rly
well then yes ^^
Quotetoo lazy to learn it

That's the biggest problem. I feel the same, but I think there are tons of good maps, who haven't caught any attention yet, due to the lazyness.
but some are easy to learn in contrast to this one
It's okay. I have played ET very rare the last months and I still managed to learn it on pub. ^^
i play et even moar rarely and played it 1time on pub, 1 time in scrim..know moaroless the objectives, but dunno where all the ways lead :s
[x] Yes, good map for 3on3 & 6on6
It is ok map in general, but I donät like that part when you have to press the button or constract the thingy. It is way to easy to defend. Otherwise nice map.
[x] Yes, good map for 3on3 & 6on6
its a good map for 3o3 or 6o6, but what i dislike there is being imbalanced, actually axis needs to cover 2 passes and all is done, also spawn it too easy to camp (allied one).
what i also dislike is the bullshitness of building that stuff, how about making it destroyable with dyna for example, but in exchange forcing allies to secure 1 gold only.

i dont like the hall somehow, its liek wtf for me, that boxes dont really help if u try to camp ze gold

braundorf > delivery
but deliv is still quite playable, just too much lotto imo
and braundorf is pure skill
well at least for me its more playable
[x] Yes, good map for 3on3
Too easy to fullhold 6on6. If you atleast practice abit. 3on3 is actually easy to fullhold to if your aim is just better, probably thats why I like this map for 3on3 :D
[x] Yes, good map for 6on6
3rd choice
[x] Yes, good map for 6on6

Not too sure about 3v3 though.
i like it for being a new map, but compared to maps such as goldrush and such... i dont think its up to scratch :{
[x] Yes, good map for 3on3 & 6on6

rly like it in both but 3on3> 6on6 =D
[x ] Yes, FUNNY map for 3on3 & 6on6

its fun to play, but to much camp -> to much fullhold. like ming said: with good tax easy fullholds in 6o6, with better aim easy in 3o3
[x] Yes, good map for 3on3 & 6on6
[ ] Yes, good map for 3on3 & 6on6
I like the little hole in the window at the button room xD
[x] Yes, good map for 3on3 & 6on6

delivery rocks!
[x] Yes, good map for 3on3
[ ] No, I dislike it, because ...
I played it for 2years on SNL server, everybody thank it was a pitty and now "oh my dog this map rox!" But it isn't ! This map sucks!
Much better than lotto maps like Adlernest. Delivery_te is quite ok, although I've never played it on competitive level. It feels like a mix of Braundorf and tc_base. So Braundorf AND Delivery in the same mappool doesn't work out.

A fresh breeze was necessary, so it was a good decision to replace Braundorf with Delivery.
[x] i like it (6on6 & 3on3)
[x] Yes, good map for 6on6

w0nd3r suxx ?

[ ] Yes [ ] no

My vote [x] Yes
w0nd3r suxx

[x] Yes [] no
w0nd3r suxx

[x] Yes [] no
good map for 6on6.

Never played it 3on3 actually but 3o3 seems too lottolike. 2 guys fullspawn and you have to protect 2 diff objectives.
i used to hate the map at the beggining but now i love it
for 3on3 its pretty bad imo
This map is so boring.
[x] No, I dislike it, because this map is not et like. It has a too big value of luck in it.
This is a objective map. If u want to compare it to any other map it has to be radar/adlernest.
Compared to radar:
- too small (easy to nade/panza)
- one sided attack

Compared to Adlernest:
- again too small
- even higher value of luck

So all in all this map is more about luck than about skill.
BTW: with luck i mean a decent spawntime
There's no luck in maps like this. If you plan things right and know what you're doing you can beat any defense/attack.
+ it's easy to rifle/panzer in radar too
every map is based on your so called luck
some more some less
even on supply its really hard to catch the flag if u have a really bad spawntime
there is a difference between open area and 3 small tunnels though
good 3on3 map, bad 6on6 map
[X] Yes, good map for PUBLIC
[X ] Yes, good map for 3on3 & 6on6
love the map, map prolly suits 6on6 but then again 6on6 sucks
terrible map with just one real stage mixed up with two objectives at the same time. reminds me of braundorf a lot with it's randomness and all the leaning and camping

why ain't there any new multistaged customs with enough wide areas and preferably doc run included :(
[x] Yes, good map for 3on3 & 6on6
[x] Yes, good map for 3on3

and its only good for 3on3 cuz in 6on6 is deep shit, 4 in fucking button and 2 in trucks we cant get in :/
[X ] Yes, good map for 3on3 & 6on6
[x] Yes, good map for 3on3 & 6on6
[xxxxxxxx] Yes, good map for 6on6
[x] Yes, good map for 6on6
[x] Yes, good map for 6on6

in 3n3 its shit
too izi 4 allies suckage pure only good for public
[x] No, I dislike it, because it's shit
the none former editions were fine, but now with the TE there are alot more boxes = more leaning and camping.

Used to be a nice map though.
The best 6on6 map@2008
[x] Yes, good map for 3on3 & 6on6
nice map for 6o6, your team need to have great teamplay to guard the button and deliver the gold in same time...

on the other hand first stage is way to easy, if it was nonexisting it would change nothing...

oh and corridors should be a bit wider so rifle wouldnt be so deadly

btw. when people will realise there is no lotto in et?? its your fault if panzer will kill 3 of your teamm8s after respawn, you should guard it better... same with rifle... it can kill whole team if you allow to it ...
[x] Yes, good map for 6on6
coz u can camp :3333
i actually like the map for 3on3
[x ] Yes, good map for 3on3
worst map ever
ja sorry :p aber die map hat net viel mit skill zutun
jo nvm :D ich mag sie auch weniger als den rest im mappool ;>
[x] No, I dislike it, because wöndär suxx!
[x] Yes, good map for 6on6
[x] Yes, good map for 6on6
[x ] Yes, good map for 3on3 & 6on6
[x] Yes, good map for 3on3 & 6on6
[ x] Yes, good map for 3on3 & 6on6
[x] No, I dislike it, because ...
I like it very much in both 3on3 and 6on6
[x] Yes, good map for 3on3 & 6on6
It's a decent map, but could certainly use some changes to the first stage. The main one being making the window of the flag bunker significantly smaller to give the axis more cover. Possibly also change it so only one of the sides can be made a ramp with dyna - as it is the first phase is so offence-biased it's silly.
The window at the flag used to be smaller/higher. If they would change it back the first stage is fine. If you make the window smaller and limit it to one ramp, Axis will have a fair chance of holding the flag pretty long.
Imo they should make the left way to the doorswitch wider, because now it's to easy for a riflenader to spam that side. Especially for wallhackers, it's heaven on earth.
Yes, good map for 3on3 & 6on6
[x] Yes, good map for 6on6
twice in 3on3 did i rush through 1st stage with ma medic and constructed controls... funny thing is I did it to same opponent twice, I rushed, fixed and for some reason reset... then I did it again exactly the same and they still were 2 late :P (opp were dumbasses afaik)

imo the 1st stage is to 'open' for 3on3, it is way too easy to just rush through.
if the axis team knows how to play the 1st stage and can build a defense it can be FUCKING hard to get flag. (if allies don't have a pwnage sniper). only very few teams are able to do so since you can't selfkill without losing flag (I'm not one of those either btw).
[ ] Yes, good map for 6on6

forgot my opinion :y
[ x] Yes, good map for 3on3
[x] Yes, good map for 3on3
requires teamplay and the "right decisions" to make.

not a good map in 6on6 but there are hardly any better alternatives so...
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