I`ve decided that its time for a new mouse, since my a4tech is kinda sucky : (

So , i am asking u guys, which mouse should i buy, razer deathadder or mx518

Im kinda highsenser, wristaimer, have everglide titanmat.

Expecting uber serious answers :(
im inlove 8D

deathadder fo sho !
logitech cordless optic
if you wanna own like me, go buy the mx518

ive been using it for 2/3 years already and its still working!
the one and only razer diamondback!
it's time for a new mAus?
g5, mx518
image: Trackball2
real pro's aim with this
mx series or razer DA
simple as that, had them both, best for me was mx510! but deathadder comes close, I only don't like the shape as much as the mx510
510> all
mine's 3 years old now \o/
mine lasted like 7 months :<<
and that with a mousepad of 1m²
totally agree :p
You have the following logical choices pretty much

Logitech: MX500, MX518, MX300
Razer: Deathadder, Salmosa, Diamondback pretty much any of the mice with a 3G sensor actually

On performance alone, Deathadder is a clear winner over everything else the competition has available, including MX518's.

However, the most important thing about a mouse is the feel, which is why so many people still use WMO and IME (which actually still have perfect tracking up to a reasonable speed).

Most people here will only give you advice by telling you what mouse they have, which is absolutely fucking useless to you, so I recommend ignoring them and researching the mice and deciding what you think will feel best. Ideally it would be best to try a mouse before buying but I understand that is impossible.
It is possible if you have a friend with the same mouse. So not in your case, LOL!
Not true! I've used the G5 and the MX1000 quite a few times and is the reason I don't recommend laser to anyone ;_;
or just go in a market and test the mouse there^^
sul on nii pisike käsi väikepoiss et võta ikka mõni Razer:)
ime cocki:D
DA fo sho
had every fuckin mouse you can imagine thats worth playing with, take the deathadder its tha best for me
you had a WMO 1.1?
Quotethats worth playing with

if i dont know it, its not worth it + i dont like microsoft mice

Tell that to ESWC and the people who are actually earning money from FPS games o//.

like i rly care about those guys pls, a mouse is all about preference (shape, position of the buttons,etc..) so rly su about the pro players :>
you tell me that like you think I don't know?

QuoteMost people here will only give you advice by telling you what mouse they have, which is absolutely fucking useless to you, so I recommend ignoring them and researching the mice and deciding what you think will feel best.

so then you say that it's all about preference and make some really biased suggestion, great
hai DANIEL ZELASNY, doing ok?
hej FRE GOBERT, yes I am.. and you?
kinda ok :) , except for those shit examens that are incoming :<
(: gl with 'em !
DA is ok, but... I have to use my warranty for the 2nd time after 16 months. Now the left button doesn't work properly. Anyway, I'm sure about one thing - my next mouse WON'T be any Razer - I wasn't 100% happy with my previous mouse, Diamondback, too.

MX518 is overrated tbh
mx518 no doubt
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