et dload ;o

im tryin 2 dwld et for new pc but my inet keeps breaking off (last at 88% lol) then i gota start again 4rm beggining :<

n e 1 no a fast site ware i cn dwld n if inet breaks off i can just resume the dload?

learn to typ, then come back.
no time to type med+ skillert?
zomg lemme me get da game 1st den ill show u med+....
get aids and fuck off
:DD When u will download et, let me now, we will play wars like years ago ! ;p
use reply button sir!
use a cd!
oh yh link to maps all in 1 place wud b gd 2
does it work? ;o (u tried it?)
reply skill= Low--
text-messaging stylez
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