Stein Bagger found

So, the former CEO og Danish company IT Factory, turned him self in last night downtown Los Angeles. After the company went bankrupt about a week ago, reveling that he had been making a lot of dodgy shit, he has been wanted by Interpol:

"His purported fraud, said to be as high as $170 million, is the biggest scandal in 20 years."

So last night he turned him self in at an L.A. police station:

"We've had several people come in and tell us they were the king of Denmark," explained Officer Jack Richter.

"You never know who's going to walk through the door,' said LAPD Lt. Paul Vernon, head of detectives for the central division. "Today we got the millionaire next door..."

Biggest fraud in Danish history. You can read more here:,0,7625078.story

Here is the interpol file, they could have found a bigger picture IMO:
"The man walked into a Los Angeles police station, wearing an Armani jacket and a Rolex, and admitted he was wanted for an alleged $170-million scam involving his technology firm."

too pro english for me
:DDDDD hvorfor gemte han sig ikk bar og levde i luksus i et eller andet mærkeligt land? ',-
That guy was my idol before he turned himself up :(
ok man, relaxt.
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