Next Saturday!

The 13th of December, I'll see you there in Enschede with my mate image: nl mAxi!
I hope to see allot of nice people there :D!
You´ll see me !
u'll see meh :p
nerds going to LAN
Just face it, that you don't have the money to travel!
P o o r t h i n g . . .
nerds going to LAN?

uhmm wat the fuck is wrong with you...
first you don't know me so don't judge me;)!
second of all you wish you have that pretty face that i have;)!

so begone!
maxi we all know you are ugly
True.. +1, however he's still my homeboy.. hehe :D
Sir, are you a nigger?
Owww sooo much hate.... you arn't even coming so whe can't do the contest who is the better looking guy:P! me or you... i bet ofcourse its me...!

But serious to bad you ain't coming mate
if i didnt have to pay out near £500 for this holiday i might have come, also if it was on a different date but nevermind :P maybe next year
Don't take everything on you what some dudes says in internet :D.
if you want to congregate with guys who spend much time on computer so go on. And there is nothing wrong with me i just gave my opinion
i understand that you gave your opinion but the thing with opinion is how you say them...:P
The way you said it was like i'm a nerd that goes to a LAN to play there... but i'm going there to sociolice with the people there that i have meet on the internet and have playt a long time with...

But anyways... np with it anymore;)! i just was also a bit frustrated in RL since i got a couple of issues going on atm.

Tobad you ain't coming.
I would come too If I had a team :D
soft spot there eh?
Im probaly not even coming XD
zal ik een lekker loempiatje voor je meenemen>:D
Zal ik dan make-up meenemen voor jouw wallen onder je ogen?
Say hello to me ok?
How can I find you? The one who's slapping his ass all the time, even during a game?
You give me your phone number and i will ring you since there are walking arround like more then 100 people there and i can't reconize you cause the only picture i have from you is on my profiel you slaping your ass on webcam:P!
Im playign now with true destination find them and youll find me :D:D:D
You are playing hard2get :\ fatass! :D
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