Support RTCW community pls ....

Me and my friend came up with an idea try to get rtcw once again back on Clanbase as we noticed last days its not dead at all , community on 1.0 seems to be still alive so we made a ladder request on cb for 3v3's , so please support this great game ->Clanbase petition
Yeah :D go eRove, get a nice ladder for a nice game

All go support!
gtfo erove <33
ClanBase stopped supporting rtcw 3 years ago afaik... :l
My point is : ClanBase would never come back to a game they decided to stop supporting, evenmore after 3 years
it's probably better for the community to not have Clanbase involved
make this a news item
*something nice*
omgogmgomg :D
2 weeks max

rtcw cdkeys = sux. everyone has eachothers keys and each key has 5 ppl. no thanks.

ads: no nC hax in RTCW??/d:D
on 1.0 you don't need any cdkey , yeah now you would say something like its free entrance for cheaters , but nC doesnt support cheats for rtcw for a long time , and ive never met any cheater in rtcw
so how can you say who is xx if they don't have guids?

and let me introduce you to the nirv]image: 313hd0y
image: qupas9nflkzn0zrezdovqle5
and i thought it's adolf hitler oO
i guess some ppl just want to play rtcw... and it does not matter if teams were mixed a bit
most ET cheats work on RTCW and vica versa :D
pretty much the only things that have to be changed are offsets and values ;z
You sound like you know!
so whats the difference with ET????
all people below me sux :D
you suck


.... sowwy, cant find words to describe it :(

You Are A Joke.
none has a rtcw server, gl with that
I do, noob ! :)
i could set up in like 30 mins ;> tbh i most probably will soon cuz i found to colleagues in my new job that also played it back then n wanna try again.
/connect;password jihad
lost my key, bibuy.
when is rtcw2 gonna be released again ?
would be nice:)
well you will drop the idea later but still :p
isn't this game kinda old? who cares about stoneage games eh?
And et is state of the art technology isn't it?
fuck no! if it would be up to me this game would be dead too.
without rtcw, et wouldn't exist
without et, i wouldn't lose a touch of life.
believe it or not,what ever makes you feel better.
why dont you buy a fucking cd key and go on 1.41 OSP 0.9 that is the best mod for it?

because 1.40 is actually dead , on 1.0 there are still some cups and active clans that would welcome this
most of the players are willing to go back to 1.41 if there will happen something... and some of the players never left, like me.
as can be seen in the last warleagues season.


how about merlinators cups, they did work out nice... better than nice!
yes people are ready to play one cup every now and then but ladders etc don't work on 1.4 atm.
I also don't see how such a ladder happening will oppose cup or whatever on 1.4

1.0 has a steady community, also without 1.4 players, who are interested in playing obj. And surely a clanbase ladder would make things more competitive and give a good platform for the games.
If clanbase wouldn't have dropped RtCW out, it would still be alive and kicking. but if they will bring it back, i highly doubt it would be 1.0 anyway. (why to pick older version of a game what has already working, good competition mod at it's bug fixed up to date version?)

if there would be ladders and cups re-opened for 1.41 by CB, i think it would bring back huge amount of rtcw players (which would become way more active and stable community than 1.0 has[I BELIEVE]), but yet not enough if we compare to other games played at CB.

btw WL2 was doomed before it launched any cup or ladder for any game, we all knew that.
(why to pick older version of a game what has already working, good competition mod at it's bug fixed up to date version?)

because it has players lol
how about the piracy issues?
Why 1.0?
How many people are needed on average?
lol its dead just like ET tbh
1.41 + osp and i'll be in for sure.... have to think about 1.0.
Orange Smoothie Productions - made me LoL
just wait for the new wolfenstein, shouldnt be too long
1.0 is ok but if we can do something with 1.41 I prefer.
yesterday u whined all time long for 1.0 lag shit ... so OMG?! what? xD ahah

<3 spongio
omg era per CHI ha repliato!
se 33 anni lo zio..I want to belive xD
1.41 + osp, no other way to do it.
Why need s***** clownbase anyway for this ? It dosen't make any diffrence. Same goes with Commodore64 or Amiga scene. It's not that popular what it used to be, but it ain't dead yeat. And it will not die if those oldschool pure fans keep using it by coding demos and making music like yesterday.

My point is that the only people who still supports and plays RtCW are mostly those who have played since it was released.

people who play 1.0 arent mostly oldschoolers who play the game since it was released
5 years ago in ETmain i tried n7 hack on a skynet (they ran pb off back then). the wh worked in ET and RTCW demo, the aimbot i didnt even get to work on ET, it used textures to aim at and my pc was just too shit :)

Todays aimbots aim at the hitboxes not at the textures, so they should work in both games.

CC ban incoming.
Keep it in pm you two.
And playing against the same 3 teams every day? Well I agree with Clanbase if they deny your request.
dude.. We have now a tourney with 11 clans in it...
I bet if u hold this tournament every 1/2 weeks you'll always see the 11 same clans, or 11 new because the 11others died.
stabile clans!! OMGNOESBBQ
if i had time 2 play, i would
yeah, you had to use some opengl.dll instead of the regular one in ur ET folder and you had to have opengl extension ON in ur config.
1.0 is a joke
yeah, 1.0 is stilla ctive right :D
why do you want to play a ET Main like rtcw when you got ETpro ... back in the day rtcw > et... but etpro is so ahead now !
What are you talking about?
RTCW feels like ETMain..... who is playin ETmain ... none coz it sucks --> Etpro superior
ofc the random rtcw things like higher fire rate are "ok" but not a real reason to switch back to a "worse etpro" :p
"RTCW feels like ETMain" I understand what u mean but they are different games!

"... not a real reason to switch back to a "worse etpro""

So if u have to do 1 lap on a handling circuit and u can choose between a Lotus and a Hummer2 u would pick up the H2 because has electric windows. Well both have 4 wheels...

ETpro is the best version of ET but still ET.

Almost quoting myself "... IMHO a basic rtcw 1.0 still better than SUpadumpaubaETpro."
hmm so you call rtcw a faster / better game coz there is no rifle , smaller pf dmg zone and higher smg firerate ?

Well there is no problem to disable the rifle/soldier sub classes server config sided (+ a small etpro update for a firerate change =p) ... but the ppl obviously dont wont to change those things :p else we would allready have a proper etpro years ago.( i would enjoy a rtcw like etpro ofc =p)

another problem is the anticheat .... mousetrap is a joke (wasnt it only used for the Soldier of Fortue 2 ?) ... too easy to fake/crack and you dont even need to run it.

Another thing thats bothering me is the unsmooth feeling of RTCW compared to etpro it just feels awkward.
ETpro comparing to ETmain is not the same as ET comparing to RtCW =)
the prob is the ET feeling and TP. So IMHO a basic rtcw 1.0 still better than ETpro.
pls dont even compare rtcw to that shit called et main or w/e. rtcw hasnt all that rifle mine mg42 etc noobage crap
yes the venom is pro ....
better a venom on pub noobs servers only then rifler noobs in every offi/scrim
been there done htat
As i said, it was 4,5 years ago. I was just a pubber, playing in the weekends only. I noticed ppl on skynet doing totally crazy things and I decided to google a bit. Since the servers were running pb off, i could hardly care :) Played with the wh for a week and deleted the hack. Never denied it to anyone, since I wasnt playing CB back then, I never got caught (cause i never played on pb server with that hack). I'm pretty sure a lot of ppl have tried out a hack, I just wouldnt try it these days since PB activly scans ur pc + the repercussions when you get caught)
1vs1 ladder should be nice too !
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