Need Spawntimer 25sec

Title says all need a spawntimer which i can post the team in chat, need only 25sec spawntimer for frostbite

, thx!
bind k "timerset 25; echo ^0Spawntime ^125"
bind UPARROW "timerset 25; echo ^f-> ^7Spawntimes 25 ;play sound/menu/select.wav"
bind DOWNARROW "timerset 35; echo ^f-> ^7Spawntimes 35 ;play sound/menu/select.wav"
xiiter :<
make one yourself you lesbian :D
/bind mouse1 say_team ^6LOL ENEMY SPAWNS IN 25 SEX
logically not possible.
You talkin about heron i guess its not allowed..
Or a script timer ? couse 25 spwn scripted is alot of work.. 20/30/40 is np but a 25 is.. couse the time is diff all the time, or well 10 diff..
But in the team your playing, if they cant keep track of spwn after all these years....sad sad.. :)
/bind x 'getaidsanddie 25 times'; say_team "IM GOING TO DIE IN 25 SECONDS!!"
25 doesn't fit in a minute ...
ET ice = 25 or frostbite?
he means you cant spam smth like 00/30 or 13/33/53 like for 30 or 20 seconds timer coz it always changes, while scatman asks for that :DDD
Haha ok:p
raziel had one in "aiming by raziel" i think, although 25 second spawntimers like this are confusing as fuck. just get your whole team to "timerset 25" and you won't need one anyway.
com_maxfps 125
bind x vstr spawntimer
set spawntimer "say_team ^1enemy^2 Spawns; wait 3125; vstr spawntimer"
opentimerinput 25
i use brain+hands for that.
i can write this prog 4 u. do i get a cookie fot this?
'Enemy spawns at 00, 25, 50, 15, 40, 05, 30, 55, 20, 45, 10, 35' .. useless

just /bind z timerset 25 and hit z when you see the other team /kill
bind k "timerset 25; echo ^0Spawntime ^125"
just use timerset, u'll get a a counter right next to your own spawntime, nice 'n simple:):

bind x "timerset 25; echo ^0.^7spawntimer : ^8 25 ;play sound/menu/select.wav"
bind BACKSPACE "vstr timerswitch;play sound/menu/select"
set timerswitch vstr 15
set 15 "timerset 15; set timerswitch vstr 20;echo ^7Resp co ^115^7 sek"
set 20 "timerset 20; set timerswitch vstr 25;echo ^7Resp co ^120 ^7sek"
set 25 "timerset 25; set timerswitch vstr 30;echo ^7Resp co ^125 ^7sek"
set 30 "timerset 30; set timerswitch vstr 35;echo ^7Resp co ^130 ^7sek"
set 35 "timerset 35; set timerswitch vstr 15;echo ^7Resp co ^135 ^7sek"
bind c "resettimer;say_team ^0Enemy Spawned^1!!!"
you were joking, right?
Got 1 thx :)
ask blaze


Making the math to count 50 seconds spawns is TOUUUUUUUUUUUGH
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