cc5 nl/plo games

needing some names who are willing to play nl/plo 50-100€ cashgame @ wzzrd. last time we only had some small sngs, but if there would be guys interested to play small cash also, it would be cool. twidi takes some chips with him.

we're (at least twidi and me) going to play plo at enschede casino, too.
the fuck you deleted the comment
you are the best
U never fanboy me like this :(
You are cool, but Estonia Night is just a fucking god.
50 E max.
Whats plo?!

pot limit omaha?!
Have you ever played PLO live lol?

As i am guessing you havent.

1) May work if you have a dealer (may)
2) raising is a bitch and having to think whats the total pot is just annoying (at least the blinds arent going up so it could be worse.
3) Why would you ever want to play such a high variance game live over such short time periods.
4) NLHE is easier to deal, known by the masses and easy to understand the betting.
5) Your putting off dead money by playing PLO and making it less open to new players.
6) You found a casino with PLO? V impressive as thats rare.

I agree it would be very fun to play for once but the effort needed to get this to work aint worth it. If i was you stick to NLHE or razz/stud if your bored.
0) yes

0,5) wrong assumption

1) prolly no dealer
2) it's not so hard, but it's slower of course
3) because of the edge
4) it's easier to deal, but it's bad that many ppl can actually play it almost decently
5) wat?
6) yes, and they aren't that rare tbh.

no, razz/stud hi could be pretty boring because it doesn't really have any action.
What am trying to say is playing PLO is removing the weaker players from the table so your losing EV. If you play holdem you should still have a edge, less variance and a greater number of players.

Holdem is faster to deal so more hands can be played, pots dont have to be liimited so slowing down play and your edge over the players as your a reg PLO player wont make a difference on such a small number of hands.

I for one see much more +ev playing NLHE then playing PLO. In the UK its rare to see PLO tables running due to the limiting pot factor and peeps cba working out how much to bet therefore reducing the fun.

EDIT| people who think they can play poker decently will be the easiest to win money off lol
well holdem is fine, but plo is at least my maingame and it's getting more and more popular! I bet it'll once be as popular as nlhe in few years. I've been learning the theory and I've been playing last 1,5y almost plo only. a bit nlhe and flhe. I can play plo h/l, stud hi, hi/lo and razz if needed, too. still plo hi is the game with action in it. that's why I love it. avg pots are way bigger than in holdem and that's why ppl are used to make bigger mistakes postflop.
playing PLO gives 1000000 times more action than playing nl holdem. People hit their hands more often and you can play more hands preflop.
humm3l will i guess :D
btw when do u plan to go to the casino ? i would like to come :DDdd
no plans. when we don't have games obviously :p I heard it's plo200€ there min, but there's also slots and little, like 20e sitngos or so.
I've been to Holland Casino Enschede, they have got special PokerNights, which is a massive tournament, and they got laddergames, which you obvious have to be registrered for. I'm not 100% sure on this :O
I would advice you to call / mail / check site, or else you might come there and you could only play blackjack. Blackjack @ the noobdepartment, that's with 2€ chips, still very enjoyable, and profitable :).

Or you could buy 1k on chips and profit on blackjack @ the richbitchtables!
someone has too much money i see
someone has no point :-/
Actually someone is an opportunist.

Np Mr Iron :>
Too bad I'm not coming to cc5 :'<
100NL min or I can't play serious :(
we're going to do a bigger buy-in (€15) for the cf poker tournament to create a big prize, we normally get like 40 people wanting to play so it'll be a good pot, nearly 500 euro.

Real subtle
when would the tourney be held? I'd guess you can count me in if the time is suitable and the offer of free beers for tournament director is still valid!
midnight on saturday, right after the ec final
alright, that sounds great. I don't have any earlier experience of running 20+ ppl tournaments, but I've run some hundreds of sit'n'go tournamets with max 3 tables of 6 players so I'd think I know atleast the basics

as I've already started my journey I can't be chatting that much on irc/cf, but I'll be pretty much the whole thursday at wzzrd so we could discuss it better then atleast

but first let me know if I got the job!
you got the job :D
hmm.. count me in :D:D
I think its nice that you keep up this act, 'I'm good at poker', it adds to the story of the event :D
haha i never said im good in poker, other ppl might have claimed that :p I do still play a lot :D
fRk is ze god
..or atleast twidi was supposed to take the chips, but noone reminded him to do so :(

mikza should have a case of chips tho!
oh and also on a side note I already managed to miss my first train of the trip! would write the whole story, but writing with mobile phone takes ages and I gotta go soon, will include it in some post-cc5 summary atleast if not earlier
You wrote all this on a phone? Congrats!
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