Crossfire stats?

I'm trying to create a presentation on the popularity of ET in Europe & eastern countries, is there a stats page somewhere somebody can direct me to that would stats like total members & unique visits so on & so forth?

Thanks in advance
not public

try pming tosspot or fusen on irc i guess

ask nicely

oh, and
QuoteMembers: 22189
Quote online: 166
QuoteOnline: 167
Quote Online: 171
Quote Online: 110
Thank you Meez that member count should suffice for now, if I need more I'll contact one of the admins :)
Thats xfire not crossfire
ofc its xfire ~~ you said you need stats from european/east et players ... since there are like 5 us ppl playing you could use those numbers too
Why would you assume that anybody with any amount of sense hadn't already gotten those numbers & that the only place I was checking stats was here?

Again I asked for Crossfire stats not xfire, thank you.
There isn't a correlation between crossfire stats (like the number of xfire members or hits) and the popularity of ET (in Europe/eastern countries) so I don't think those stats are very helpful.
I'd use the stat that ET shows on the menus, where it says x games played since launch ( over 1 billion iirc)

crossfire has 20k members but seeing as not many sole pub players register then it's not totally helpful when talking about how popular the game is.

ET has been in the top 4 most played online shooters for fucking ages.Average of 10,000 people online at any one time is pretty good.
Well I guess I should rephrase, I'm interested in the active EU comp scene & lets face it, Crossfire is a rather large & rather popular community within that scene.

Personally when I think EU W:ET comp 3 names come to mind right of the bat, Clanbase, ESL & Crossfire.
99% of which registered just to download the game.
Joined Tue Jun 01 2004
Downloaded ET before then! :/
just click on enemy territory on fusens link so you can see the etpro stats at around 7-8pm GMT so you mainly see the europeans.
Rather large & rather popular community including COD/RtCW/ETQW/WSW/ET pub slayers/non-playing/once-registered-then-got-lost players (persons?). For me it sounds more like you simply want to know the stats of the page for some reason not because of interest in EU competetive scene (which can be easily noticed via CB or ESL ladder/cup activities alone). :)
If you must know champ I'm preparing a report on the current ET scene (both NA & EU) for a my new partners as mentioned here....

At least 80% of the activity here is ET related, & yes my report does include info on popular leagues.

It's not like this is vital information I could use with malicious intent. Please think about what you say before saying it.
K thanks
this stat must be bugged or fake..
because i think that
which stat you referring to? and which ever it is, you're wrong :)
So at 7.50am, theres 7436 players online just now (judging by that link) or am i just totally blind and missing the page with stats by time? :P
the stats aren't 100% live, they will be delayed but what you are saying is basically correct.

if you look further though you'll see about 70% of ET players play on jaymod servers which you most likely don't look at or play on.

Well, if those stats are fairly accurate then ET isn't doing as bad as i thought. Jaymod or not, it's still good to see so much people playing in other timezones. I was sitting there thinking every other community/scene was dead/inactive. :P

I'll probably check back around 7ish and see what it's like then at peak european time.
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