
just finished my first fm season (never played the game before). Became 3rd with arsenal in premier division, 1pt behind n1, man utd. :<<<<<<<< i've won the uefa cup and the fa cup :DDDD so it was a good season anyway :D

this summer i want to build a nice "2nd" arsenal team only filled with talents, can you recoommend me some????

toni kroos, marco marin
buy all the united players + rename your team to manchester united = win
noooeesss wanna win with arsenal, won twice from man utd this season only fucked-up in the first half of the season, 2 pts more overall and i would have won the championship me sad panda :<<<<<<<

Lloris - GK
Bale - LB
Fazio - DC
Palombo - DMC
Camacho - DMC
Amrabat - AMC
Wijnaldum - AMC
Paloschi - ST
Marquinhos - ST

You already have arguably the best player on the game (Fabregas) so you shouldn't need much more than that.
alreday bought palombo, using him instead fabregas, the way i play fagregas doenst fit in, and i have a win streak of 30+ games so i wont change polombo for fabregas... Bought fazio and wijnaldum too, but using them for my main team as substitutes...

what a bout zuculini?

e: instead of lloris i bought asenjo, very good player :D
How much did Fazio cost you?

I'm playing WBA starting my 4th season, won the league last year. Mid-table before that. Just sold Wijnaldum to Arsenal for £20m and had £17m transfer budget. Tried to splash it all on Fazio but they rejected £35m :\

Fabregas is probably the best player on my game so how you can't fit him in is quite extraordinary! What's your lineup / formation? Fazio is the best DC on my game so I can't imagine who you'd be playing ahead of him.

Also, how did you win 30 games in a row and not win the league?
cant get it fixed to upload a pic :P (yesss im noob)

i bought fazio for 22 mln :P

my line-up

DM - Asenjo

Clichy - Gallas - Toure- Sangna


wallcot vd vaart nasri/vela

adebayor bendtner

its like 4-1-3-2
kinda attacking :P but it works

my substitudes:

v persie (gonna sell him, cuz he is a retard :<)

the point is, i fucked up the in the first half of the season (lost6 matches and 2 equals)
end of season it was like:
man utd: 93 pnt
chelsea: 92 pnt
arsenal 92 pnt
I signed van der Vaart in my 1st season for £7m cause R. Madrid didn't want him and I threw all the contract clauses at him. He was my player of the season 2nd year but then Man Utd bid £15m and the board overruled my refusal :(
well wanted to buy him @ the start of the season, i did a bid like 35 mln, real refused. I could buy him in the winter for 13 mln, i was like omg :P he scored 14 times, not bad for half a season @ a position behind the strikers :P

i dont know if u still can buy zuculini, he is worth 800k atm, but i think his value will raise very fast, ill contract him anywayz, maybe i can sell him after some season.. :D
This game is full of bugs. I'm waiting for 2nd patch.
aguero if you have money ;D
ive like 115 mln moneyzz
my core team always has aguero higuain and gago, young argentines > *

they might have trouble adjusting to non-spanish competitions though :(
same with fazio
john bostock, levan kenia, henri saivet, jose baxter, macauley chrisantus, giovani dos santos, dean parrett (they're the ones i have at spurs in my first season)

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