good fucking morning

My school is supposed to start 10:30 on wednesday but I skipped some lessons in my last "period" (~2months/period, dunno the right word) so I was supposed to go to school 8:30 and have 1 extra lesson for that (have to do that 3 times in this period).

Anyway, I accidentally set my alarm clock to ring 8:40 instead of 7:40 and so not much help. I went to sleep ~3:00 and somehow woke up 8:15 without the alarm clock after the most fuckin weird dream ever :S

the dream:

It was this day, wednesday, and I was late from the extra lesson already but went to school anyway. The cc5 was also today (lol) and I had a skip hour @ school so I went to spec cc5 during my skip hour. Somehow I just was teleported to airport and on my way to Enschede. There I got drunk and I dunno why but one my irl-mate who never played ET was with me. Wesbo had grown a shoulder-long hair and looked fucking stupid. Also, my m8 t0psu was playing ET @ cc5 with his 15year old buddys who really play CS. Me and my non-ET friend got in a hurry to back to school and had to run (xD) to Bremen to catch the flight. We got it but were already late from school liek 5h again but still I was in school liek 5h more and then I had a skip hour before final lesson and after school working. So I decided to go to Enschede again (this time alone). I was there and got drunk again but then I went to sleep somewhere and was late from my flight back to Finland. I had to wait like 1h for new flight and for some reason the plane landed to our school in Finland. My physics teachers thermos bottle had brokened in the flight and crosby tried to fix it with super glue (somehow they were on the same plane). The thermos bottle started to spray coffee like a geysir then and some coffee went on the shirt of some flight-officer and he accused me. I was put to jail for a while and when I got released I was @ our neighbors house. I ran to home from there to go to work even though I was late already. Some random guy followed me to our house but I thought: "I don't have time for this right now, the dogs will take care of him". We really have 3 dogs (chihuahuas, 1,5 - 2,5kg/dog xD) but in the dream we had 10 of them and they all attacked the random. When I left to work from home the dogs had killed the random and I left them eating his body. On the way to work I was stopped buy our sports-teacher who is a goddamn nazi communist jew motherfucker and mentally retarded. He started asking why I wasn't @ school and why I had skipped like 10h today. I didn't have time so I said FUCK YOU and it felt awesome. When I went to work I was already hours late and got kicked from the job.

end of dream

Then I woke up @ 8:15 and it took like 5min to realize that I was @ home and the day was just started and everything wasn't totally fucked yet, I would even get in time for extra lesson if I hurried.

So I brushed teeth but the shower was occupied by my sister and I decided to leave it for the skip hour after the extra lesson. Smoked fast and drove speeding to school. I was only 2-3min late but there was no-one fucking other, not even the teacher. I checked the day and time and I was in right place. Tried to call my m8 who also was supposed to be in there to ask if they were in some other classroom. No answer. I looked around for a while but then I thought: "fuck it" and came back home. Soon my m8 called me and asked what I had called him for. I explained and he said that the extra lesson was moved to different day and time, no-one just had remembered to tell me. Took a shower and coffee and I didn't have anything better to do so I decided to write this weird morning journal. Maybe it will keep some lazy crossfire work-avoiders busy reading it for a few minutes.

good fucking morning everyone
how old is your sister
do you hear that x-files melody
I don't know what melody you're talking about so obviously no
its : dy dy dy dy dy dyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy., and then dy dy dy dy dy dyyyyyyyyyyyyy!! dy yyy dyy ...etc etc.
i didnt read but sentences with fuck in it make me curious.
so hell yeah a fucking goood morning....!

...: i rly would like to have same and stay at home. :/
So I take that fucking?
Not really, no.
u is a girl?

curiousity has nothing to do with like or not.... anyway.... dont be so serious!
dutch flag :DD:D:
didnt recognize you xD

guten murgen
yeah me is undercover now. i was like hopefully theodoreee wont find me but he did ;(
i have an eye for blones :<
rofl :D
@ We really have 3 dogs (chihuahuas, 1,5 - 2,5kg/dog xD)

they are prolly of ur sister ? :D
one is old and and has been @ us for ages so it's kinda no-one's and will die soon anyway

one is my sisters beacuse he wanted to buy another one

and one is the old dog's puppy that we decided to keep but mom said that I'll have to take it with me when I move from home beacuse she can't be arsed to take care of it for next 15 years xD so it's kinda mine. It's also very stupid
wahhahaha the last picture :D

lawl !!! :D
the dog eyes are like 'wtf' :D
one is my sisters beacuse he wanted to buy another one


i hope this is only your misstype!
stfu my niggers
fuck you hupoo
hupoo is nice don't insult him !
i havent noticed his niceness yet ;)
maybe cuz ur a retard ? :)
come 1on1 valhalla??????
i am @ work :(
too young to work!
i know
i work for school u know

1 week :D
we can play 1v1 in the afternoon ? :)
always ready to own everyone
phunny gay :D
always ready, just remeber thos words
i was ready since i was born now gtfo :D
will see bout that
np for me :D
rofl @ the dream :-D
A+ would read again
xD at this dream At least ur lamp didn't eat u like me !!! XD
Nice morning read, thx!

Loved the dream xD
in one of my dreams i killed my friend with gravity gun from hl2 :p i threw this saw at him: image: gravity_gun3 when my parents came i said it wasnt me and when they take off the saw from his throat it was fucking disguisting! still i didnt wake up, i just waited till the ambulance came and took him to the ossuary, then police came for me to ask me the questions but then i thought it will be boring and i woke up lol.

also when i was like 8 or 9 years old i had Jesus in my dream which said that he doesnt want me in heaven! i was fucking scared :o!

anyway i lolled at this: "When I left to work from home the dogs had killed the random and I left them eating his body."
best morning journal ever :D

You are gay
nice journal :D
rly,I enjoyed reading it in my work-avoiding time.. ;)
yea, best morning journal ever ;d
how the hell are you
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