Adminquiz :)

There are 5 admins at Crossfire: Tosspot, Sol, Bulldog, Decem and Fusen.
Two of this admins never say the truth. The others never lie.

You can already say after the upcoming sentences, which 3 guys say the truth:

Tosspot: " Sol just lies if Decem says the truth."
Sol: "If Bulldog doesnt lie, either Tosspot or Decem say not the truth."
Bulldog: " Fusen lies, and Tosspot or Sol too."
Decem: "If Sol says the truth,then Tosspot or Bulldog do it aswell."
Fusen says to Tosspot, Bulldog and Decem: " At least one of you dont say the truth."

Which 2 Admins say never the truth? Why ?

ps. if any admin doesnt want to see his name here then tell me..and i replace him
bulldog and sol ofc
sol & bulldog
It should be fusen and sol, how could I miss that the first time.
Toss and Decem lie, right?

No, toss and sol.

funny everyone is editing ^^
And that one is wrong too. Why did you have to post this :DD
tbh im not sure ² ...a friend posted this question in a forum today...and i just replaced the names....ill ask him if he comes online :)..should come in a few min
yea very funny ;)

but how could decem lie? he made the best sentence! :D
i'm not, cause i'm right.
sol and toss
Nobody! >:D
All of them lie :D

Where's my cookie?

i say hylylpyalyappylydylaylylalyydydylalay
hmm... say timmee whats the idea of this journal?!?!? is this somekind of test? This is test!! youre testing how smart are we!!!
hmm can i have cookie too like you gave to panda?

cookies are for special persons only
You broked little boy's heart ;(
my money is on Bulldog, Decem and Fusen. who never lie
But i dont know toss or sol that well tho xDD
so hmmm.....
bulldog and sol I'd say
A: "B only lies if D tells the truth."
B: "If C doesnt lie, either A or D lie."
C: "E lies and so does one of A or B."
D: "If B tells the truth, then so do A and C."
E: "Atleast one of A,C and D lie."

Is this the correct english translation?
Bulldog: " Fusen lies, and Tosspot or Sol too."

I don't see "if" here.
You also have to consider that 2 of those statements are lies :P
what you mean mr suck my dick (nice name):P
nothing xD
xD ok off to study esthetics or w/e it's called in english:P

Edit: It's the shit about describing buildings and so on:P
aesthetics :p

close :)
wohoe:D lucky the exam is in my own language so np!:D bb gtg learn how beautiful a normal fcking house can be thanks to some weirdos who put all kinds of stuff on top of it:D
it's a trick question isn't it? it's two admins who never say the truth, not two admins who never tell the truth.

or is it just bad english in the question? :p
+ thought that aswell!:d
I gave up after spending 10 minutes trying to understand the pidgeon english.
it was in german at first and i tried to translate it to english


What a day, what a night...
B & C easy
nobody say the true
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