Christmas present

We need to make a christmas present in school, but my draw sucked and I need to make a gift for a chubby (fat) girl. What should I give as a gift? (Don´t say chocolate cake).

Gift should be cheap and simple!
chocolate cake
I would go for chocolate cake, everyone loves it !
hmm... chocolate cake?
mmm i would like a chocolat cake!
slimfast chocolate cake
uuhhmm.. chocolate cake ?
A cake that appears to be chocolate
Big Mac menu will do.
some cake and chocolate is always nice
Maybe a... chocolate cake? Or two
a size 10 top maybe she will take the hint
what about some yummee [img][/img]
mul endal suht samasugune olukord ja ei teadnud ka mida teha :p
sokolaadikook, see meeldib kõigile!

ei tegelt kinkekaart on jah parim, ainult et ära miskit sporditarvete poe oma siis osta:P
tho käevõrud n stuff on ka kena

jei, reply skillz
No ma ei tea, imelik kui paksuke hakkaks kandma minu kingitud käevõru :D
Raske juhtumi sain, kinkekaarti ei ole ka kerge valida :D
käevõru on süütu ese, kaelaehe oleks miskit imelikku juba :)

image: 3092_MEDIUM
daaaaaaaaaamn that looks tasty! I haven't had cake in months :(
I havent even ate for months... damn, this picture killed me :( the most beautiful thing ive seen for long time
= you need to go out more, I'm sure Poland has some nice girls :D
Yep, the most beautiful thing excluding polish girls :P Anyway now im hungry. Very.

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tickets for diet lessons
chocolate cake, everyone loves it.
omg chocolate cake is rly tasty.. but hmmm weightwatchers?
ye i need to make a gift for a geeky, ugly greasy-haired girl with chronical running nose (or smth like that, she always talks like her nose is closed)

help :( around 3 euros
hmm... chocolate cake? :D
a piece of chocolate cake, i doubt a full one costs 3 euros
chocolate cake
I think no one has mentionned it already but a chocolate cake would be a good gift.
What about a cake made of chocolate?
a cake made of chocolate
always ultra.. oh no wait.. chocolate cake!
give her that pic:
image: ChocolateCake-1
Wii Fit? :D
image: sacher-torte
sacher cake :3
Give her some love like you usually do
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