toNi landodger

So ye, Finland toNi decided not to let us know anything, and just dissapeared, seems out he was never planning to go to lan.

So toni, instead of bitching and hiding, u can unblock @ msn & read ur pm's

+ im taking this as a result of him basicly being a cheater, my apologies to anyone having to play us with him in our team.

(20:34:25) (Sup3rOFFtoAL1) Sander' zegt (20:32):
(20:34:27) (Sup3rOFFtoAL1) why u didnt go
(20:34:29) (Sup3rOFFtoAL1) Sander' zegt (20:32):
(20:34:31) (Sup3rOFFtoAL1) siri
(20:34:33) (Sup3rOFFtoAL1) toNi zegt (20:33):
(20:34:35) (Sup3rOFFtoAL1) blub
(20:35:25) (Sup3rOFFtoAL1) Sander' zegt (20:34):
(20:35:27) (Sup3rOFFtoAL1) serious now !
(20:35:29) (Sup3rOFFtoAL1) toNi zegt (20:35):
(20:35:32) (Sup3rOFFtoAL1) hmmm
(20:35:33) (Sup3rOFFtoAL1) toNi zegt (20:36):
(20:35:35) (Sup3rOFFtoAL1) not enough money atm and i has last exams on next week
(20:36:41) (Sup3rOFFtoAL1) Sander' zegt (20:37):
(20:36:41) (Sup3rOFFtoAL1) why u didnt jus ttell him ?
(20:36:41) (Sup3rOFFtoAL1) toNi zegt (20:37):
(20:36:41) (Sup3rOFFtoAL1) dunno,i thought "mystical" disappear would be funnier

(20:38:29) (Sup3rOFFtoAL1) Sander' zegt (20:39):
(20:38:31) (Sup3rOFFtoAL1) lazio asks if u unblock him:P
(20:38:33) (Sup3rOFFtoAL1) toNi zegt (20:39):
(20:38:36) (Sup3rOFFtoAL1) wtf
(20:38:37) (Sup3rOFFtoAL1) toNi zegt (20:39):
(20:38:39) (Sup3rOFFtoAL1) did u tell him
(20:39:11) (Sup3rOFFtoAL1) Sander' zegt (20:40):
(20:39:13) (Sup3rOFFtoAL1) thought it would be funnier
(20:39:19) (Sup3rOFFtoAL1) toNi zegt (20:40):
(20:39:21) (Sup3rOFFtoAL1) jesus

if ur wondering, dutch superstar Netherlands Kitty is replacing.
So naice.
When will u drop out DAVE :(
take Netherlands morf !!!!
why not you`?
they already have a rifle >.>
liek they wouldnt take you if you say your avi..pls
Fucking dodgy nerd go fuck yourself and go drown on your own jizz motherfucker

PLUS you were always obvious, shithead

Sorry to see that tho, good luck with your team Lazio and may the spirits of ET still let you play well!
just like you, just worse excuse!
you're gonna go this time :D ?
Packed and everything! Still need to pack my "gaming" equipment, but as we're going to play tonight I'll have to wait with packing my gaming stuff!
not nice ;o
Kitty <3
oh jeez :D another one...
thank god you got your replacement:P
gl kitty
we wont lol with u?
Pretty sad :/

Though, I always knew there's something suspicious about him.

Bestest luck for you!
lol what a retard, gl though.
Gl kittekat!
funniest lan eventhou it didnt even start!
take me !
kinda expected that toNi would never go to a lan :)
He came to scene a bit too suddenly and started to compete in the so called better teams. Is he the oldschool Rokka from Finnish publics, years back? At least so I heard when I asked around who he is year back..
he is, and tbh he didn't apear in the sean too suddenly :o if he's hacking which I doubt he is hacking like more than 2 years already :D
Well he was playing when I started to play too, wouldn't be that a big surprise if he actually found out the ways of aiming in 3-4 years (unlike me) without external programs..
He probly played much more than you.
Hope so. Then I would have an excuse why I never got into EC qualifier team or to OC premier :D
Believe me he played alot, ALOT
Kzei het u al!
you're implying he's been good or bad for the last 2 years ?

brb laffing aut laut :c
w3st and ross must be going mental :D

You're going mental!
hahahaha eirik and toni XD

HAHAH ur so fucked-up. How much do you pay to let me play!? :D I can go with my friend Adct
Now that was kinda expected.

Good luck to the rest! :-|
toNi <3, this was lame but he doesnt cheat imo :D
wasnt that unexpected, gl to the people who actually playing.
oMGz avi :DX
maturity - do you have it

(hope my teammates wont fuck it up)
never saw him playing, but i bet he was good!
he had a pretty nice trailer or testcolormovie or sumpm
gl kitty !
Lazio & re-play

#BeringenMijn was happy to help
Just so your LAN wasn't fucked up
jij ben te cool
you deserve a fucking medal!
a cheater? I guess the quality of haxx must be really low if someone really thinks this guy is a cheater. It's a reasonable excuse to read for the final tests instead of gaming and doing poorly in the tests. Though sounds like this guy has a really twisted sense of humor if he considers sudden disappear as a 'funny' surprise for his teammates...
He quits et =), and replay would die after the lan. (so he told me)
And tbh, replay didnt treat him well, always putting him as back up while he was the owner!
oh..I've never seen him owning :/
but yeah, understandable, if his team has been like that to him =p
so why paying everything?
he paid and didn't go? =D
sponsored afaik
guess so.. very funny from him XD what a retard
they paid for him lol
oh, a nice suckerpunch from him then..
we're not gonna let him play with 600ping, we always treated him well, letting him in the team everytime, when his ping was fixed.
Not everytime! but ye doesnt matter anymore :p

such a moron

gl with kitty
If he would have told them I might believe him, but he probably even said 'cu there' or something like that, so lets just say he's a cheater :P
His individual skills weren't really impressive. He was just too low to be a cheater, imo.
pretty sad toni...

gl kitty and re-play.

show us how to handle the stick kitteh ;):D
:D haha Ill do my best
hehe wish ya the best, talk to you on monday @ msn ;)
hf and stuff :D
Netherlands Kitty > Finland toNi anyway <3
ban imo

n1 sup3r btw =)
gl mates
you should just play with me and things like this wouldnt happen :<
haha, what u expect from a guy whos been voted to be worst finnish player
LOL Finlandmystical
lets all scream cheater!
gl Es pwnie
hihi :DDDDD
atleast you are going to win 1 price now, the team with the beautifullest persons in it :P
haha you guys got owned
<3 Kitty !
knew that he wasnt gonna show.
he cant be a cheater though
ye he was fucking obvious lol !!!
sorry but kitty will not be able to fill toni's shoes =(

+ i'd like to note that toni is not a cheater, hes an annoying fintard, ill give you that, but hes NOT a cheater

+ i see my name there, Belgium Sup3r = a fucking fanboi
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