What a week :U

Gonna finish up packing, and go to sleep, leaving tomorrow early with train,
and then,,,,,,,, 3 hours in a car with fif ......................

Shoutouts to dave & other replay members. cya there

cant wait to see sean & rewolf too ....

squall sux.
ok then aleks. I'm hurt.


 11:06p    (@re-play|griim) lazio was happy when i told him u were coming :D
11:06p    (@re-play|griim) he loves u

edit, ok that's better aleks. Good job.
shoutout to dave
pyscho dave is awesom-o
shoutout to dave
Cu there, dick.
5£ for a bellypunch, 10 for the face
cu at the train station around 9 am !!!!
the only guy in et that im sure wont be getting a skilldrop @ lan... (xD)
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