Cohen's blogs nr.5 :~>

so almost everyone are in cc5 D:
me and few chosen ones would stay here and keep crossfire alive :D

so your planning for today?
cuz today i just wanna rest after a hard week :O)
i have orange and lemon tea :D
with suger from swiss that my mother bought when she was there = epic win srsly best tea i ever had :o

we also bought sacks of oranges ^_^
just for you to know that the major export israel do is to europe with citrus fruits :D
middle eastern fruits well donno !

anyway gonna be a healthy winter :O)))))))

now, i have a question
i use nero burning and i want a better burner program so is there any?

image: hot-reality-girl-soccer-demotivational-poster
after work i will go and order big kebab&french fryes. :) own.
pic made by angry nerd :<
i look at the pic and not whats written there :(
visiting my girlfriend for some mlofuntime !:)
shes sweden? :X
nope dutch !:)

if you want you can also have some mlo-funtime!:o

btw: Once did a swedish girl in Gran Canaria.. she was hot !:o
air force boyjEE
wanted to go on some lectures, but i oversleept..fuck it... have a nice day, im going to wank all the time watching cc5
today is a gym day
going café tonight and studying for exams in the weekend
Only got a couple hours sleep because I was working on a new theory. Had a class from 11-12 which was actually quite decent. Been to the library and I'll go grab some lunch soon. Just flipping through the books I borrowed and I'll start to make a few notes soon.
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