cc5 here i come :))

Actually its my first time although just as a spec :D

Well i m ready for take off.
We ve got our nice BMW rented and all booking stuff is done. (finally)

On about 1330 i m gonna pick up my best friend from UNI, move to car rental and pick up the car, go home and pack some stuff.
On 1600 my girlfriend finishes work and we re gonna pick her up and start our journey.
The trip goes from Austria Vienna to Germany Hamburg to Germany mUnduS.
There we ll stay the night and have some nice hours.
On saturday morning we re gonna move to Netherlands Enschede.

Cu there guys :)

Shoutouts: Germany flR

lol have fun viechie !:)
alter sag ma was. ich wohn ne stunde von enschede entfernt :/. vielleicht schaff ichs morgen auch hin...
GL with the journey
:O save trip (10 hours ?)
jolly jolly fun ^^
v1ech + gf + mundus?


hf all <33
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