pb causing fps lag...

So my fps ingame is unstable 40-80 fps in a pb server, but when i get to a ettv server or to a random no pb server its 125 stable and reaches like ~300 fps when com_maxfps 333. So my question is that is it possible to fix this shitty lag in any way?
Downloading the latest pbsetup (v3.4) helped somewhat.. but still haven't found a complete fix. Minimise the game when you get lags and check processes in task manager.. I bet pnkbstrb is using 40+ % cpu.
i get huge fps lags with clanbase 2v2 & 3v3 config, with other configs my fps is staple 125. (i did not buy this 4850 just to get ~80fps [sarcasm])
high resolution + shit cpu
rmode 6/8 and e4400@ 3ghz. should be good enough for a high graphic game as ET is.
format! amd3800 + gf 7600 r_mode 6 125 fps here and thats on 20+ pub. 6v6 i can get 200 fps
I have no problemz
do you always have 40 fps or is it only from time to time?
well every 10 secs it goes to 40 and the other times its like between 80 and 90. just want to add that it was normal like 3 months or more ago.
same problem as me and matias then
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