Audio Question :I

Is there a way to get audio output on 2 diffrent audio systems (vista) ??

got 2.0 z10 on usb plugged and 4.1 on the normal audio port =)

thx in advance ^___^

random pic:

image: 2004143032205251285_rs
I don't know.
I don't know either.
That's bad.
What's good then?
Some programs (at least media players) let you select which Audio device to use.

Winamp: Preferences->Plug-ins->Output->Nullsoft DirectSound Output->Configure->Device

VLC: Tools->Preferences->(make sure you show "All" settings)->Audio->Output Modules->DirectX->Output device

Edit: Or do you mean you want the same output (from a single program) on both devices?
yes i want the same output on 2 audio systems :p
hmm I read Audi question:P
Talking about something like this?

I have one like it, speakers on one side and headset on the other
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