Fellow online-onlies

I am glad to be online with you today in what will go down as the greatest flame war in the history of xfire.

Several years ago the crossfire community was made. This came as a beacon of light of hope to many flamers who had been banned from all other online communities. It came as a joyeus daybreak to finally begin a new series of flamewars.

But even here the flamer still wasn't free of the ban.

It would be fatal for the community to overlook the urgency of the moment. For all admins are no longer paying attention to xfire because of their attendance at CC5.

Now is the time to make journals without making language tags in the title. Now is the time to make chains freely. Now is the time to forget all sense in our posts. Now is the time to make flaming a reality for all of ET's children.

Now is the time!!

image: my.php?image=xfirenm4
im not online only
that would mean being outside
im not online only
i got a message to all the admins: U CAN LICK MY HAIRY BALLS
i want to flame my mother, my sister and my daddy!
perfo is not online only
Was thinking the same
you make no sense dude
nice deleting your first comment, WHAT DID IT SAY
it time is now the!
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