cc5 2nd round ?

Hey all,

Could someone explain me everything please ? Ive already looked at the nicewpost but it didnt rly help me.

Am i right: ?
- there are 6 groups
- a,b,c,d have 4 teams
- e and f have 3 teams
- a,b,c,d play 3 matches
- e and f play 4 matches

- all the first in the groupstage are in playoffs
- all the 2nd come to a new group with all the other 2nd placed

and then ?
All First Place Teams head directly to the winners bracket.

Second Place Playoff

Group T

2nd of A - muse
2nd of C - PolagZ (F2k)
2nd of E - re-play sleeperz

Group U

2nd of B -
2nd of D - AoW
2nd of F - Zer0 Empathy

Still wrapping my head around the consolation bracket.
The consolation bracket should be:

S1a - AntiClimax vs desire (E3 vs B4)
S1b - decibel vs TR (F3 vs A4)

S2a - wS1a vs epic fail
S2b - copyright vs Overload
S2c - charism vs aTooon
S2d - True Destination vs wS1b

S3a - wS2b vs wS2a
S3b - wS2c vs wS2d

S4 - wS3a vs wS3b
Winners bracket:

ETW1a impact vs FiF
ETW1b buttonbashers vs U1

ETW1c vae vs Epsilon
ETW1d T1 vs mamut

Continues with a standard double elim layout after that.
Way too complicated :[
Not really, top teams straight into the double elim bracket, 2nd place teams into 2 groups winners head into the double elim bracket. Standard double elim bracket from there.

The losers tourney is an afterthought 'n is just a basic single elim bracket encompassing all the teams that placed 3rd 4th.
and just the winner of the loser tournament will come back in the main bracket?
No, the losers tournament is separate "just for fun".

Whereas the two winners of the 2nd Place Playoff will rejoin the 1st place teams and again be in contention for the prize money.
agree with chronos_
It's very simple.
It's very simple.
I don't like the system.. I want a system just like the champions league system :p
yep agree

butz hard with 22 teams
The current system gives everyone more matches, which is the main advantage and the sense of it, at least for me.
agree with w0nd3r
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