non cc5 journal ^-^

y0y0y0y0 lads and girlz

what ya gonna do this evening instead of enjoying tekn0 @ wanking on a pic of butchji :p

im already ready for zeh disco flash in st.wendel (jonas COME COME COME COME!)

and ye, got 2girls with me and a retard ;p began drinking some berentzen winter apple and suxu :)

so tell me your evening

btw: gtaIV rocks my shaved balls!
::::) Im gay heh
its xuxu not suxu retard :)
es ist besser wenn man essah ist.
party, getting drunk, having fun!!
i am home from school ... so ... i am rly tired ... going to sleep :<
Going to a russian club @ Ilmendorf near Ingolstadt. Gonna start drinking with my mate soon, have to catch the bus in 1 1/2 hours. 8D
Das Schöne an den Russen Discos is, das sie sich gegenseitig kaputthauen...

Wir hatten mal nen Russen auf der Arbeit der öfters in ne Russendisco gegangen is.. Irgentwann kam er mal mit paar Blauen Augen und Schrammen auf die Arbeit..

Nicht das ich was gegen die Leute hab, der Kerl war wirklich inordnung..
Jo, passiert des öfteren :D
Still fucked up from friday night ... it's gonna be a relaxing evening with girlfriend ... dvd n stuff^^
Getting drunk!!
packing for euro disney :D:D
im wanking over dictator hes hot :P
but he's fat :((
Trying to figure out if me and my mates are going to the city, but noones' phone is responding.
spam calls imo
Nah, I checked and we'll go :)
had sum fun? :)

we just came back from zeh disco :D

2 beat ups and a m8 finally got kicked out of the disco :DD
Couldn't go, my bicycle wouldn't work. I stayed home and watched old episodes of The O.C. instead which wasn't even slightly as amusing as going to the city :(
poor you :( w8 till xmas and santa's going to give you a new bike :)
sum partypix were made but there i look so fking drunk :(
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