hiiii partttty :D

ok laik this is it. i'm coming home from School and i drove for 6 hours to meet my girlfriend and family. but my girlfriend wanted to party couse she has birthday next week and stuff but i was sick.. i just went home after meeting her. But then my best friend called me and asked me to come meet him and i said yes but when i went to him there was a kinda big party there so i called my girly after telling i was going to sleep and asked her if that was okey partying couse i was kinda her driver xD.. she said yes but now when i come home (im like kinda drunk nd stuff) and ye she's like kinda angry wtf :D so what am i supposed to do honestly A) go Play ET. B) steal my parents car since i left my car down town. C) go to sleep and wank over sum hot girl on webcam or sumthin :D?
ur gay. comment on my thingy,, couse only gay ppls say what u said + ur home @ saturday night in the cp reading cf :D:D:D
yes i have no life compared to xfire ppl
go to your grannie and eat some cake with her

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