After cc5...

So last year there was player who started to cheat after cc tourney.
Do you think that there will be again some1 who will say lol im lanproofed and starts to cheat?
If you do, give us your opinion
who was that guy?
kenta, right ?
stop being fucking paranoid there isnt many cheaters in a high level.
im not paranoid... Did I say there is ?
your making people paranoid tho if people didnt talk so much bout cheaters this game would be better than it already is.
First time I talk about cheaters. And I didnt mean highlevel I meant some1 of those teams who played on lan, but aint playing on highlevel or anything. If you blame some1 blame killerboy for talking so much about cheaters. Ofc he have done good job but sometimes just no
agree on the killerboy part, he does a good job at times but other times he just as no clue.
yeah lets all blame killerboy.

blame yourselves tards, when did i say they cheat. read the fucking nC list.

the only guy playing at high level and was cheating is naga.

the day naga hits with 80% of his nades.. and tracks perfectly while beeing afk @ lan is the day i call him lanproof

till then he can fuck off
You have done good job never thought you haven't, but there is just some avis like no nono which makes the player look like a cheater BIGtime. Keep it up.
last avi of a highskiller was wiesiek, he said he wanted to go to the lan, 1 week later i see him going with f2k, suddenly he dodged the lan ...
villa, leo and otheres?
5-6 players out of about 100 top players
ye some retards that will be busted and will say "it was just to quit ET, cuz it is dead and stuff"
guys like butchji, squall and gifty will prolly start nao
Like gifty hasn't been playing on some other lans already :DD
get the sarcasm
you talking about miho/nk3 his reason was: "got bored"
and about dream team overload = "we had 7 players and we had a problem so 1 of has coudn't play at LAN so we decided that the guy who will cheat most will play the extra round at lan" lol
yep and others will keep on cheating like they did before
butchji bcz he sucked at lan ofc :)
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