red bull

hi2u kreuzfeuer!
could any1 resize a pic of a redbull can to a height of ~23cm pls?
black outlines on a white background would be even moar perfect(same size ofc)
would be nice if any1 could do this for me asap, cuz i still need to draw it then:s

this perspective(23cm):
image: Dose_RedBull%200_25
or only frontpart (19cm)
why would you want that
art @ school:s
need to paint one plastically
photoshop is ur friend

me too

image: ixu2uuob

here u go with ur 23 cm

image: jlblb99c

this one is easier 2 draw imo..
image: j5xwsh59

this one looks cool ² xd
image: bdorrotl
image: 5kyc6ae6

new source
image: 43nswuap
image: roqyuuk6
image: b6xmzw2s
woah, the last 2 look pretty damn nais tbh
Good work !lookz nice
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