Toss' CC5

CC5 is pretty much over and if I dont recap it quickly I'll forget it because during events my memory is goldfish'ish!

The final poker tournament is live in WZZRD at the moment and I err lost :( Three nights three poor performances in the poker tourney, but I played well in the admin ET game which I've gotta say was quite pleasing!

The objective of CC5 was 'just' to run an event inbetween up scaling the event to a much bigger project. This primarily was for ET's benefit as the scene imo needed something to aim for. The big turnout for ET was really pleasing, getting 24 teams and knowing that we could have maybe had a few more barring some subjective problems was really reassuring that the game still has a lot to offer, whilst also giving a powerful statistic for sponsors and interested parties in the next game. Whilst CoD4 was quite disappointing not to get at least more than 16 teams, considering we had some crazy amount of teams signup last time. However the game is in a transition period and it will take companies like crossfire supporting it to get it through it, and thats perhaps what we have to do. So I think we achieved our objective, but fortunately for me CC5 was more than that.

CPC1 I was able to both socialise and admin, since then its been quite a lot harder as we've grown but here fortunately we had more admins this event so there was a little more time to socialise with people at the event rather than go from one problem to another which at CDC4 was crippling and not fun. So here courtesy of bigger staff we had more time to meet people and I can actually come away knowing a few more names to faces, which is a rarity! I can safely say as a result its been more fun and the fact we've still got 25 people in wzzrd playing poker (which will likely go on for a while yet) is testament to the fact we grew in the social side of the event.

The ET tournament was really exciting too, with having seen so many tournaments of which recently many haven't been as interesting to me (particularly cdc4) I was really interested in the tourney this time around. Epsilon winning was fantastic for me, whilst I've a vested interest in ButtonBashers, I'm glad a team that nobody thought would win, won. That changes everything, BB and Mumut must go back to the drawing board and whilst Impact have potential they're not they're not there yet. Something new in the story of ET is fantastic, just what is needed to make things interesting again. The new players rising also lead for a bright future for the game.

So this was good fun this weekend so thanks to everyone who made that possible. See you again in April!
yeah, see you there m8!
Why did you had to fullhold =o[
strong strong strong! :D
yea was a right giggle, got some class games from it.

gj all the admins who worked on it
noooooo you didnt win the 3o3 tournament :(((((
You powned hard though, I'm sure hentai is to blame
griim fucked up didn't he? 8[
My goldfish always remembered where to go for food, the left side of the tank. And i swear he recognized me, every time i pushed my face up against that tank he swam toward me blowing kisses. -- Felt relavant at the time. :D
thanks for all your hard work lad. made it great to spec all the matches i watched, and i watched a shitload lol. shoutcasts were good as ever, and from a spectator at home point of view, it was great.
ye we had a fun time wachting last night didn't we :D
we did :D and tbh, i had a lot of fun with a lot of cool ettv viewers also :D of course you always get idiots always just there to flame to look cool on ettv under fake names (yer MIND you) , but AndyF1 kept the ettv a good place to watch a lot of gg's.

andyf1 <3 ty :D
yeah he even joined to unban evo :D but hey i'm off later
Atleast now i know i"m not the only "old cunt" around here, was fun though :)
Maybe organise a private ettv with password for the next event to keep the muppets out ;)
good job toss, see you in april!

Was an awesome lan, lots of close games, no team dominating!
Any chance of the CC5 Prize Ceremony being shown again somewhere pls?
gj TosspoT

hope CC6 will be as good as this edition

epsilon surprised me tbh
liked your boots toss thats all i remember right now =(
gj toss, u were nice to listen 2 :D me and andersqn where sitting right in front of you nearly all the matches ;-)
Yay, I specced some sunday games and listened to your shoutcasts :)

it was kinda enjoyable and the games were exciting, so it was also a great cup for us who weren't present in there :)
great work! Hope next time I will be there! ;)
now the cu@cc6 can begin!
good job, looking forward to cc6 :)
it was great! cu@cc6
Made me wanna play et again =]
Same here!

I haven't been playing ET actively in a looong time. But just reading the interviews, seeing some games and listening to the shoutcasts made me wonder, why was I at work instead of having fun in Netherlands?

Crossfire events have always been good fun. CPC2 was on a level of it's own, being scared shitless in eVo's van and hanging out with the Impact crew. My CPC3 experience got slightly torpedoed by some stomach flu and general tiredness. The latest event somehow brought back all the good memories from these events; maybe I should participate one last time...
uve done a nice job, same did the other admins, simply cant complain about that
i geuss that olympus loves you now? :d
It was a great tournament with a lot of highskilled teams & performances and I'm happy that not one of the favourites mamut/BB won!! This makes it all much more exciting!!
And thx for all the work u've put in !!

edit: hope there will be some kind of movie with all the best frags of the tournament because I missed quite a lot ^^
Proper lan mate! To bad we got knocked out early but still had a hell of a time! :D

Cu in april!
Great event man! Would have loved to go there but it's not always going to work out as one wants it. Will trying to get my team to the next event. Really looking forward to it :)

BTW: Just add a bit more content and make it a Column, otherwise it's away in half an hour ;)
not in April do it on May ! ;:<
was a pretty nice event from what I've heard, not as crowded as the other ones (which might be a good thing!)
anyway lets see and wait for the bigger CC6..
You best be going!
als jij gaat kan ik toch wel met jou mee

(auto) :D
still waiting for the AMD/ATI documentary about the crossifre quakecon team.
Great job Stu, was amazing fun from home as well :)!
Great event, even tho i was at home :( well organised, cant imagine what it takes to organise something like that. GN
gij dikken lanprover!
A lot of things could be improved for the viewers at home. Nevertheless it was very fun and exciting to see so much great names compete against each other so frequently. And Tosspot's shoutcast was amazing as always although unfortunately at some games we couldn't hear him.+ Tekoa and Butchji OMG!

And 1 thing! CDC Champion - Epsilon VS Impact, a game that hasnt been played yet. Would be nice to see it in the near future! Somebody has to organize cups for these teams to stay active in, i think they r great teams the way they r now.
too bad that the Netherlands accurate team wasnt playing there :S
i really wanted to see how good we are
cu @ cc6 KRP will be there!
it was a great event, have seen some epic matches ;) nice doc savings etc.
TosspoT your awesome!!
I hope we see you more as online commentator!!
Nicely done Mr. Giant.
there gonna be cc6 in April?
well done tosspot, was the best crossfire lan so far!
Unexpected! :P
i mean it was the best organized crossfire lan so far :D
Must have been Gustaf's pad that made you win!
i heard about atleast 10 people now, who want to buy it :D
Respect to the trendsetters ;D
I suggested it to him. :-((
Damn, i owe you one
Great, so I missed the easy one! I'm sure the next will have 5 games and hundereds of teams to contend with. :(
just dont miss it o/ get baggiez with u and get him to work the whole day with us, and we wont have much stress ;d
Twas only easy because you weren't there!
Even I as an online only spectator enjoyed this event at most.
Yet again I watched it all from my home, through ettv and I must say it was the most enjoyable Crossfire LAN since CPC2 ETTV-wise. Well done Toss.
Really GJ toss, and crew :)

been there sunday, and i enjoyed it :)

keep up the good work and cu @ cc6
Very nice job ;)
maybe cu at cc6
great job Toss, nice LAN it was

but can you explain me the FiF-attack and why you were laughing at our performance sometimes =( ?
I did not have so much time to follow the games, but the coverage on the website was awesome. From Hungary the event seemed perfectly organized, except the EC final! :)
It was a really nice lan, but please force WZZRD to buy decent PCs (or atleast put some cooling in it) or search another maybe bigger location.
your comment on delivery's first stage made me cry (;>):
QuoteI think the first stage is pretty senseless

True but still the map was played very much and this motivated me to go on with my current project with Netherlands xeoxis
Great job TosspoT, i listened u on every match (u was on) ;)
Great job Toss,

It was a great tournemant and i laught my ass of with some guys at the lan.
For people that are strugling for coming as a spec or not just come cause its fun and you will meet allot of nice people!

snoop serious i love your actions when you win...!

you almost made me cry when you won against Mamut your reaction was subliem!

CC6 i will be there for sure!
It's maxi!
i have heard your name also coming by.... have spec you guess also for like 1 hour... you have done great guys... to bad i was more getting in contact with the UK guys then my own country dutchie fokss!
nice read, hope i'll make it to cc6 :)
very nice and exciting shoutcasting, laughed several times ( like at frostbite Epsilon vs BB when Clown(?) tried to SK with panzer "ooooh it could be huuuuuge......or....a one-man -.-"

It was nasty to connect to our war vs decibel only to realize it wasnt the war you wanted to shoutcast though, we all cried !

atleast his one man panzer was better than the desire person on delivery who went to spawncamp with a panzer while carrying the objective... crouching behind a chair -,-
yeah I lolled like hell >:D
Seriously that was awesome:P
that was really the worst panzer in history, even swine could do better ;D
I have succes a x3 panz against zeroE (anticlimax) or an other team. !
missed that :(

but even swine got a 2 man panzer once!!!
u were looking kinda wasted already :DD
great job and well done :)
gj admins. nice LAN
thanks for saying that i got the ugliest config you ever seen xD
tosspot we all have to thank you because without u the game would have been dead already so big thx
was an awesome cc :D with cdc3 the best imo !
after missing cc5 because of a accident with my car and an suspected pneumonia, i can say i will come 99% to cc6 :>
CC7 in September please, might visit&play then
Well if there is gonna be an event in april I'm not leaving my house until then!
see you in april again mate
was a really nice event so keep up the good work ;)

ps. dont use that poor cfg when casting your games on those screens again please <3 :O)
Goldfishes can remember things tbh
Well done on another successful LAN!
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