cc5 with humM1!

Dear Crossfire users,

What a fucking weekend , on tuesday criatura had a car accident his car totally dmg.
At this moment we wasnt sure if we attending, on wednesday we got green light,
criatura get the car from his parents finally yeah.

Thursday 15:34 we still waiting for sascha (criatura) he didnt show up , scatman was allready waiting 30 mins at trainstation. Then we phoned him and yeah hell his parents car get damaged aswell. So at 17:22 we picked up scatman with fireBall's brother alad!n (came back from the work) scatti waited 4 hours on the trainstation. Then criatura get a car from the mechaniker who try to fix his car and well we sleeped all at fireBall's place. On friday we started our fucking trip at 1 o'clock we lost allready 1 night in wzzrd and had to pay for it kinda fair (225.- for nothing).

After we arrive in nl we saw our "hackfresse" lavod directly in the center and picked him up, we was kinda motivated after everything is sorted out now. Next problem cooles said he comes at 17 he didnt arrive he came half past 8 or smth. We are 6 yeah finally!

We played the first game vs Epic fail really well , then we fucked up vs epsilon on 2 aim map's. And we lost close vs AoW in the End which are suprising alot.Our totally stable flamer defence vs (C) on goldrush was kinda awesome in the loserbracket. Then we folded because of the 3on3 tourney there, which we won in the End.

On Saturday evening we had a nice drinking evening first we started and some of us had allready enough after 1 hour , but then he fucked up in the night ( I wont tell more because thats not funny ) all what i can say , we saw his eat stuff over the full weekend again. We had to take him to the WC and stuff to get him clean.

The polish Poland mafia came to us and drinking and smoking some weed with us over the allmighty polish bong :D:D:D:D, was nice to meet especially naga , edain , ufol and aphesia such nice guys. On Sunday we drive back , there was everything fine wow finally we drive without probs. And today my head exploding soon. Im so fucking hangover.

I wanna give some specially shoutouts:

United Kingdom Ross: He was a fucking awesome nice farmer :D , me and criatura had a nice talk with him over 20 min's and he had no shoe's on by -3 or smth. Was nice to meet you bro.

United Kingdom Hentai: Asia/Arabia guys can drink well i suppose 1/2 glass of vodka pure without any smiley or without any reaction well done mate.

United Kingdom Pansy: Was nice to meet you there , she wasnt that shy allways talking with everyone didnt expected that. Sry for kicking you out of 3on3 :P.

Germany AoW - TEAM: The full team was nice everyone of them was kinda cool, krest flopje bl4de krucio and ofc the managers PZY-Q & Quarky. We had alot of fun with them. They didnt flame or whine or anything after they beaten us. We won gold in 6 mins lost our homemap frost (unexpected) and close on supply. They deserved it we had no teamplay at all.

Germany criatura: the first time that i meet you there sascha was kinda awesome after 3 years of gaming with you. Nice guy !

Germany cooles: What i can tell you about him!? :D , hes mr.idrunk4bottlesof0.5beervscopyright :D::D:DD he drunk 1 but ok he said 4 :D in 45 min's. He like flixX loughing allways but still a nice guy.

Germany scatman: All what i can say about him is , ty tosspot for this joke :D. Hes a nice guy !

Germany kreSt: Was really nice to meet you there , you played kinda really well i hope we have alot of fun together in upcoming 3on3 events. Such a nice guy that

Germany kuraigu: Hes my nigga !

Germany snoop: Well played skinni :D::D , nice scream after you beaten up someone. There you got also your first lan Win ! wp tobi

Switzerland gifty: Well played homie , you deserve that win at all. And was nice to meet you again there.

Poland dialer/wiaderko/queen: The polish trio allways together , such nice guy's it was exactly that what i expected before in the internet. And patrick told me before that krein will allways sleep in his bed and it was true :D gratz to the win mafia kurwo.

Poland nAga: Played kinda really well on the lan , and was such a nice guy we had alot of fun there. Ya yestem szalona :D hujooo next time dont push me by smoking weed im now totally fucked up !

Netherlands LavOd: I seriously didnt expected that you are a nice guy like this :D really.
Was so funny the full weekend with you mate take care of alcohol.

I forgot alot of ppl like Belgium such nice guy's or alot of cancer nub's. But seriously im down and dont wanna write anymore.

Forgive me my bad english nubs :D:D

Funniest moment: Netherlands LavOd was fucked up and some was screaming push push :DD and then another said "i suppose he need a medic" hahahhahaha.

@ Hype i told you that kreSt will own and he played awesome on cc5 :)

OpenCup 2008 3on3 Champs (HIGHBOT)
Crossfire Devoti Challenge 3on3 Champs (HIGHBOT)

So everyone i forgot sry for that , see you on cc6 in april!!!

''Im so fucking down''

I would change that sentence before rest of the ppl make fun of it :> go for depressed or hangover ,depends what you meant
Think he means he is sad it is all over :(
hi again! it was indeed a fun weekend :L
a trip with humm3l seems always to be a lot of fun, nice to read...lookin forward to talk to u at some point... ;)
AoW's performance is so overrated. Whatever...
why? they weren't owning highskilled clans online anyway so they played well I guess?
exactly...AoW got a special LAN performance this time....and all of them are funny guys.
nah nothing special or something. They were just good like they are online, nothing special :P I don't know if it are nice guys:p I'm sure krest is a nice guy :P
all of them are.... really! :)
you are rly funny if you r drunk :D not as funny as lavod who vomits out f the window from the first floor of the bungalow but still funney xD was a nice weekend
u have to not drinking normally...v1ech forced me its pretty annyoing with me :XD
I never knew that Hentai was Asian o.o
well yeah,you are a newschooler,wtf do you know! :D but still,you should be ashamed that you didn't recognise your relative.

image: lolz20catti4
He's British.
pics or never happened :(
15/12/08, 07:57:18

Early riser ftw
nice journal =)
glad you had a nice team :]

unlucky for criatura's cars imo :D
back home now :p thanks for great time there :D
gg's daniel!!!!

congratz 4 GOLD CC5 3on3 Tournament
thanks for fantastic lan ! "Ja man !!!"
Jakieś koty?
was nice to meet you
happy hum1?
What, no shoutout to your teamcoach rewolf? :(
Quote nAga: Played kinda really well on the lan , and was such a nice guy we had alot of fun there. Ya yestem szalona :D hujooo next time dont push me by smoking weed im now totally fucked up !

Don't blame me you know you wanted to smoke from that big ass bong urself!
gratz daniel!
i'd like to attend next cc too,
hope I'm 18 then ;)
nice hummel :>
english 10/10
story 10/10
fail 20/10

overall drölf/10

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