back again :))

Finally everything is done and life took its normal way again.

It has been an awesome but pritty hard trip for me and my gf.
On Friday we wanted to start on 2pm but in the end it was almost half past 5 pm when we left Vienna.
Our plan was travelling to Hambug picking up Germany mUnduS. That means 1080 km at once...
We arrived at quarter to 5 am, totally wasted, tired and happy that it was done.
My gf gathered 2 hours of sleep while mundus and me had some talk and stuff.
Finally on 8 in the morning we made our way on the road again. Hamburg - Enschede.... 300 km

Thank god my gf was driving cuz i was only kept alive by coffee anymore and not able to recognize anything.
Finally we arrived at 12 o clock in our hotel in enschede and instantly made it to the wizzrd center.

Actually the first person i have seen there was Germany swine just giving me some quick info about what was going on.
From then on a really nice weekend started. There were really nice matches, not even a single one was an izibash...
In the playoffs there were just 2 or 3 matches that were decided on 2 maps. Almost every match went on a decider.

During the tournament i was hoping for vae to take the victory. Too bad when they lost so close in the looserbracket.
Buttonbashers surprised me with some really instable performance. Although they finally made it to the final i was expecting a little bit more during the tournament.
Epsilon also surprised me. Befor cc5 they seemed to have some problems with getting their teamplay working. But on cc5 they have clearly been the best team and they really deserved the victory.
I also think that Germany snoop was the most valueable player, He simply is a 1manarmy :>

I am glad that i could meet a lot of guys there such as:
United Kingdom unblind - had some nice laugh with him :D fish
Germany mUnduS - well i just got convinced that he is the same funny person as he is online, just looking forward to the next time we re gonna meet up
Germany Team AOW - a bunch of awesome guys, really sympatic, they showed a great performance and i hope to see am again on the next cc
Germany Evilynn - just as nice as she is online :)
Germany criatura - Finally i managed to meet him :) great guy <3
Netherlands overdrive - he seemed a little bit pissed bout his performance but he s been a nice guy
Germany duKe - best dressed guy on the whole event :DD it just had to be said cuz he didnt really have some concurence if u know what i mean :DD
Belgium Bartichello - a really nice person, too bad the EC final couldnt take place :<
i m sure i forgot a lot of guys...

My fail of the weekend: i took Finland Iron for Finland sQuall in the first moment :DD
But the funny thing was... iron didnt even tell me that he isnt squall... he just told me, he doesnt know me :DD

All in all a great event, i hope i can make it to the next event as well.
Complements to all the admins. They did a great job.

Cu all next year!
when is the EC final now ?
uve been there? no wai ^^
i was looking for you and i could see u from the back but u were busy on that time...
and finally i couldnt talk to u anymore :DD
unlucky then :<
yes, too bad :(
but i have already made my desicion that if time and money is available, i ll make my way to the next cc again. and next time im gonna arrive on thursday and stay until monday :D
we might be lookin for a player :d

so flr and me are supopsed to search a merc?!?!?!
what did your gf do the whole time? :p
i tryed to show her the point of esports a little bit...
actually she was not bored all the time...
i think she also enjoyed the trip although we were sitting in the car for almost 24 hours in 3 days :D
haha driving ftw!

my gf used to play cs too, and I'm playing wsw with her from time to time, but for god's sake I wouldn't be able to get her going to .nl for spectating a lan :D
i hope you had a van or some kind of bigger car then :o sitting in a small car for such a long time aint fun at all
sounds okay as long as you did not have any tall people inside your car ;)
well... average

it wasnt too bad at all...
could have been more comfortable but cmon... we re men...
so your gf seems to be the only person complaining if youre men ;D luckily we had a ford focus c-max so even urtier was able to sit in the back row ;)
heh :D

you know, the shit was... i only have my licence for a year atm and i decided to take a full ensured rental car for that drive...
i didnt wanna take my own car cuz driving 2500 km in one weekend is just a waste of km for my car...

so i decided to rent one and there are just some lower priced classes available for drivers like me cuz for the bigger ones u need to have a licence elder than 2 years or something :>

the next cc i m gonna take a plane :D
where did you rent it? i have good experiences with europcar, where you have included the most important insurances (vollkasko mit selbstbeteiligung max 750€, diebstahlversicherung etc). in your age class (<21) you're only allowed to rent a car from the compact class or lower. at first i wanted to have an a3 sportsback (still compact class) but in the end it was smarter to take the c-max because of its huge amount of space.

but i got your point concerning the 2500km. nevertheless you are not so flexible and mobile at the venue if you dont rent a car on location.
i rented it at sixth

i compared a lot of car rentals and sixth was clearly the best.
i ve payed 140 € for the whole weekend from friday to monday, vollkasko with selbstbehalt 300€, unbegrenzte km, etc...
i m only scared atm because near köln, we ve had a stonecrash...

hopefully they dont let us pay 300€
and yes, my point in going there by car was the flexibility.

oh viech ^^
ur driving in a bmw 1?
yep :D
did u see me?
ye haha, i was sitting in a ford fiesta (silver), eating some bread ;) i saw u leaving with a girl and someone else so i tought i must be you :P
Evilynn - just as nice as she is online :)

so her body hasnt changed?
was really nice to meet u :) we have to talk about lot of things online when i am back home ;D

Ur an awesome guy :)
guess i missed u 8D
U WERE there?
sure :X if u have heard some extremly loud talking italians that was me & dio !
u got kinda oversounded by all that dutch :D

too bad i missed u
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