speaking figure?

some weeks ago, someone posted a nice flash game to perfom someone's language, for example in german, english, italian, spanish...

you entered a text and suddenly a awful figure appeared and said the entered text in a speech bubble.

some1 knowz what I'm talking about?
thanks for links <3
nope sry
i need the game gifty was playing all the time (flags and shit)
Which game? and when on-lan?
yup, on cc5. Was something with country flags and a map of the world. :O
nah i dont thint thats it. On the map one country had another colour and you had to click the right flag or there was a name of the country and some flags to choose :/
There's a fb app called 'geochallenge', flags to names, then country shapes to names then place cities.
that might be it :p
How you doin? I'm addicted to this shit :{
quite bad tbh, cant remember all those flags. I mean Europe, both Americas and most of Asia is ok but some fancy islands are quite hard :D
New top score 16k, getting there :} flags are easy, just eliminate the ones you know...
im wasting too much time, im trying to get 1 flag per 1-2s. Sooner of later ill remember them anyway :D Also for a person who is not a native speaker some of the city names are different from what i know :D
lol unlucky :}

Better to guess right than just randomly guess for speed, score accumulates ^^^ you broke 10k yet?
pff pathetic :O))

It’ll hit ya like an epiphany… break the barrier ‘n get stuck again further up :{ the cities is easiest, just get near no need for perfect, so long as you know the country… ‘n most major cities are located on the coast so that makes life easier ^^
Flash or installed?
Some weeks? You sure it wasn't some months/year(s) ago? =/
I know what you mean, with that fish or something right?
ye, the fishy thingy
its called something like alcapella / alpella ;DDD I cant remember right :o
I know what you're talking about, but I can't recall the name of the game.
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