Debunking DPI Continued

Just read this on ESR.

warning: Most of you won't give a shit. Don't waste your time.

Quotethe mouse resolution determines the smallest angle you can rotate your view by in game, for a given sensitivity.

if you want this smallest angle to be small enough so that you can turn your view by 1 pixel (to the pixel next to where your crosshair is), you need to know what angle that distance of 1 pixel represents on your screen.

the current method that everyone seems to use calculates the average number of degrees per pixel over the whole screen. this is wrong, however it is the simplest mathematically.

the projection of the 3D world onto the 2D plane of your screen (read: fishbowl effect), means the pixels located near the crosshair represent much larger angles than those pixels located at the edges of your screen.

so to do the calculation properly, you have to calculate how many degrees a single pixel represents at the centre of the screen.

if you do it properly, you get:

R = ( pi * W ) / ( I * tan[ F / 2 ] )

W = screen resolution width
I = real sensitivity (distance per 360 turn)
F = horizontal fov

R = mouse resolution required

convert your sens to inches if you want R in units of dpi.

I worked out I only needed around 60DPI from a mouse at my current settings

but, I wondered if I really did need to raise my DPI when playing under native LCD res or if it was just placebo.

Using this formula, I take

W = 1680
I = ~30 inches (75cm/360)
F = 110

sub it all in

and I get 123.186944066 DPI required.

Which means I can continue using 400DPI pretty much "4 lyf"

tldr - unless you are a high senser playing at LCD native resolutions, take an IME3.0 or WMO1.1 instead of overspending on a DA/MX518 (coming from someone who did overspend on a DA ;_;) Disclaimer: unless you actually prefer the feel of those mice, because with a mouse feeling is by far the most important factor, but I don't think I've met anyone who doesn't like the feel of the MS mice)


QuoteI don't recommend it to ET players, not because of it only having 400dpi but because of low data path bandwith (8-bit if I recall). What that means is that you will have negative accel if you move your mouse fast. If you use 40cm/360 or more it's really a problem to do a fast 180 turn. Deathadder and mx518 don't have this problem (no-one would be capable to move the mouse so fast to make it skip).

I haven't been able to confirm this but it's worth testing.
e: 261 dpi here.
perfo failed at math? :o
didn't convert to inches at first :D
ill forgive u...this time.
What is 10 cm for 180 degrees considered in terms of low/medium/high sens?
dunno, mid-high?
mid-high i guess. real high starts at around 4 cm for 180 i'd say :D

I use 8/180.
Damn all these low-sensers, only high sensitivity aiming requires skill! ;D Can't imagine playing any lower than 20cm/180, even that feels extremely low.

For sniper I use 2cm/180.
428,5259 DPI needed. :-d

W = 1024
I = ~12
F = 110
You try to sound smart but in fact you don't have a clue what you are talking about when you recommend those MS mice. Even though I use WMO (and also used ime 3.0 before) for along time, I don't recommend it to ET players, not because of it only having 400dpi but because of low data path bandwith (8-bit if I recall). What that means is that you will have negative accel if you move your mouse fast. If you use 40cm/360 or more it's really a problem to do a fast 180 turn. Deathadder and mx518 don't have this problem (no-one would be capable to move the mouse so fast to make it skip).

I agree with DPI part though. Marketing makes wonders.
Never heard of such a problem, I'll have to test it out with my own hardware. Personally prefer the feel of the prediction-less sensor but if what you say is true then I'll need to rethink this

image: predictionfn3
228.9351095 am i cool with 400 dpi?
I doubt any gamer would take anything like this into account before purchasing a mouse
The things that would be needed to be taken into account would be completely different if purchasing a bot
you wouldnt have to take anything into account as it does it for u.
oh fo u idiot
even i couldnt be arsed to read this shit!

I think most people knew that dpi was a gimmick anyway.
even i couldnt be arsed to read this shit!
In practice you also need virtually no friction and a very low sensitivity to move your crosshair just one pixel on purpose.
isnt this pretty old? But ye, i used it aswell to determine my dpi
who the fuck cares? u wont notice it unless ur god.

And try to move ur mouse one pixel, even when you just touch ur mouse ur failing already.

have you never used any image editing software? it's more than possible to move your mouse exactly one pixel
wtf? moving a mouse for one pixel is the easiest thing ever?
this is new

( pi * 1024 ) / ( 18 * tan[ 105 / 2 ] ) = 137.137
(3.142 * 1024 ) / (6*tan(105 / 2)) = 419.381014

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