What happened to lavod? :S
15 Dec 2008, 20:41
I heard he was drunk -----> cryin @ toilet :S:S:S
need full story :$:$
need full story :$:$
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
After lav0d drunk to much with the overload guys, he puked over his clothes, his bed and at the wall. After that the guys from overload brought him to the toilet. There he start crying because it was cold and he had no place to sleep. After several tries from me and Scatman + some random germans lav0d finally brought back to his cabin, where he was layed at the ground:P
Next day he stank like shit and his pants had some puke spots:P
But it was quite funny. i shouldve made a video, if overload only let me do that:(
Beats me waking up in a random place a while ago being drunk and puking myself. I woke up naked, wtf.
It seems that i puked out of the window in the night from Friday - Saturday but i do not remember anything:P.
When i woke up i was totally shocked that every window was open and then found out that my roommates couldnt live with the smell inside coming from me :O.