don't cry

Dear crossfire readers,

today is the day the earth stood still
today is the day the sun stopped shining
TODAY is the day sugar no longer tastes sweet

today is one of those days you wish they'd never begun

TODAY, ladies and gentleman, the most unfortunate news has reached me,

we are gathered on this journalpage to think of someone who has earned his repect amongst the ranks of crossfire admins.

yes, dear readers, yes! it is him! the one you all respect and love as he is probably the most admirable human being ever to have created an account on this website

you all know of whom I speak, don't you
he needs no introduction


KISS stopped adminning this website

this half-god has always had a watchful eye over the crossfire community

let us gather in grief to see this legend part from our ranks

and dont you cryyy toniiiiggghhhtt
wasnt he one of the most hated cfuser?
No woman no cry :(
I feel like Ian Curtis would have died again
Mere words can not express our grief... This man, no... This Legend of all times will be missed so dearly, e-statues will not be enough to replace his loss. It will take years, if not forever, for the community to get over this sadness.
R.I.P. , admin of ours.

u got talent sir!!
6lawic ftw eh!
I am really missing Kiss. :/
that make's two of us

ps: he misses you too!!!!
on university studying law!
Internet forbidden there?
image: 89 No problem for Conker :D
take me tonight
anything is possible
wat is er met hoefslag :<
hij stopt met admin te zijn
n1 mitchell :D
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