Übersetzung2 plz (ger)

so, brauche jetzt eure hilfe... muss folgenden text übersetzen:

Die Tage, in denen dichter Nebel durch Londons Stra?en zog, gehoren der Vergangenheit an. Die Behorden sind stolz auf ihren erfolgreichen Kampf gegen die schadlichen Gase, die im Jahre 1952 schatzungsweise 4000 und noch 10 Jahre 2800 Menschenleben forderten. 22 Jahre, nach dem das Parlament in einem Gesetz alle Kohleofen aus der Stadt und ihrer Umgebung verbannt und in einer kostspieligen Kampagne zum Verbrauch der umweltfreundlichen Energietrager wie Gas, Elektrizitat und Erdol aufgerufen hatte, sehen die Londoner weiter: im Durchschnitt betragt die Sichtweite in den Wintermonaten jetzt 6,4 Kilometer im Gegensatz zu den fruheren 2.2 Kilometern. Au?erdem kann man sich an der Themse nun uber 70 Prozent mehr Sonnenschein in der kalten Jahreszeit freuen.

Der Londoner Zoo meldet einen weiteren Erfolg: die Polarbaren klettern auf den Felsen des Regent-Geheges schon in fast genau so wei?em Fell wie ihre wilden Artgenossen in der Arktis; Pflanzen und Vogel sind ebenso zu neuem Leben erwacht. In dem weltberuhmten Hydepark sollen in diesem Jahre neue Eichen gepflanzt werden. Im Gefolge der industriellen Revolution im vergangenem Jahrhundert und der sie begleitenden Abgase hatte sich ihre Zahl auf ein Dutzend verringert.

habe schon 2 varianten, weiss aber nicht welches ich nehmen soll.... brauche rat

The days in which thick fog moved through the streets of London belong to the past. The authorities are proud of their successful fight against the injurious gases which demanded in 1952 approximately 4000 and another 10 years 2800 human lives. 22 years after the parliament had exiled all coal stoves from the town and the surrounding by law and had appealed in a costly campaign for the consumption of the non-polluting energy sources like gas, electricity and oil, the Londoners see more: on average the sight during the winter months is now 6.4 kilometres in contrast to earlier 2.2 kilometres. Moreover, one can be glad on the Thames now more than 70 percent more sunshine in the cold season.

The London zoo announces another success: the polar bears climb on the rock of the Regent's enclosure already in almost as white fur like their wild congeners in the Arctic; Plants and birds have awoken also to new life. In the world-famous Hydepark new oaks should be planted this year. In the suite of the industrial revolution last century and the exhaust gases accompanying it their number had decreased to a dozend.

The days in which thick fog moved through the streets of London belong to the past. The authorities are proud of their successful fight against the injurious gases, because of which approximately 4000 people in 1952 and 2800 during the next 10 years died. 22 years after the parliament had banned all coal stoves from the city and the surrounding by law and had appealed in a costly campaign for the consumption of the non-polluting energy sources like gas, electricity and oil, the Londoners see more: the average sight during the winter months is now 6.4 kilometres in contrast to 2.2 kilometres before. Moreover, one can be glad on the Thames now more than 70 percent more sunshine in the cold season.

The London zoo announces another success: the polar bears climb on the rock of the Regent's enclosure already in almost as white fur like their wild congeners in the Arctic; Plants and birds have awoken to new life as well. In the world-famous Hydepark new oaks should be planted this year. In consequence of the industrial revolution last century and the exhaust gases accompanying it their number had decreased to a dozend.

danke voraus
nimm 3

EDIT: take this

7h3 d4y5 1n wh1ch 7h1ck f0g m0v3d 7hr0ugh 7h3 57r3375 0f 10nd0n b310ng 70 7h3 p457. 7h3 4u7h0r17135 4r3 pr0ud 0f 7h31r 5ucc355fu1 f1gh7 4g41n57 7h3 1njur10u5 g4535 wh1ch d3m4nd3d 1n 1952 4ppr0x1m4731y 4000 4nd 4n07h3r 10 y34r5 2800 hum4n 11v35. 22 y34r5 4f73r 7h3 p4r114m3n7 h4d 3x113d 411 c041 570v35 fr0m 7h3 70wn 4nd 7h3 5urr0und1ng by 14w 4nd h4d 4pp3413d 1n 4 c0571y c4mp41gn f0r 7h3 c0n5ump710n 0f 7h3 n0n-p011u71ng 3n3rgy 50urc35 11k3 g45, 313c7r1c17y 4nd 011, 7h3 10nd0n3r5 533 m0r3: 0n 4v3r4g3 7h3 51gh7 dur1ng 7h3 w1n73r m0n7h5 15 n0w 6.4 k110m37r35 1n c0n7r457 70 34r113r 2.2 k110m37r35. m0r30v3r, 0n3 c4n b3 g14d 0n 7h3 7h4m35 n0w m0r3 7h4n 70 p3rc3n7 m0r3 5un5h1n3 1n 7h3 c01d 53450n. 7h3 10nd0n z00 4nn0unc35 4n07h3r 5ucc355: 7h3 p014r b34r5 c11mb 0n 7h3 r0ck 0f 7h3 r3g3n7\'5 3nc105ur3 41r34dy 1n 41m057 45 wh173 fur 11k3 7h31r w11d c0ng3n3r5 1n 7h3 4rc71c; p14n75 4nd b1rd5 h4v3 4w0k3n 4150 70 n3w 11f3. 1n 7h3 w0r1d-f4m0u5 hyd3p4rk n3w 04k5 5h0u1d b3 p14n73d 7h15 y34r. 1n 7h3 5u173 0f 7h3 1ndu57r141 r3v01u710n 1457 c3n7ury 4nd 7h3 3xh4u57 g4535 4cc0mp4ny1ng 17 7h31r numb3r h4d d3cr3453d 70 4 d0z3nd.
heilige scheisse, ich hoffe das war nen programm das leetspeak ausgibt, ansonsten bist du ein kacknerd :D
http://ogobin.de/tmp/31337.php XDDD

haha meint der als ob ich das für so ein troll machen würde ::::::)
defianately not 2nd
yeah, definatately
2 sounds better for me
Quotebecause of which

stopped reading here
yeah that's indeed an unlucky sentence, change it with the one from the first version and the rest of the second one is fine.
if you say so..didnt read any further
ehm ja, danke.... wie erwartet nicht sehr hilfreich die community aber danke an alle die sich mühe gegeben haben >.>
The days, in those more closely nebulas by London Streets tightened, gehoren the past. The Behorden is proud on its successful fight against the schadlichen gases, which demanded 1952 schatzungsweise 4000 and still 10 years 2800 human lives in the year. 22 years, after which the parliament in a law had banished and in an expensive campaign for the consumption of the pollution free Energietrager such as gas, Elektrizitat and Erdol had called all coal furnace from the city and its environment, continue to see the Londoner: amount to the range of vision on the average during the winter months now 6.4 kilometers contrary to the fruheren 2,2 kilometers. Outer one? erdem one can be pleased at the Themse now more uber 70 per cent more sunshine in the cold season. The Londoner zoo announces a further success: the polar-cash climb on rock of the regent enclosure already in nearly exactly the same wei? em skin like their wild animals of the same species in the Arctic; Plants and bird awoke likewise to new life. In the weltberuhmten Hydepark new oaks are to be planted in this year. As a result of the industrial revolution in the past century and that accompanying exhaust gases its number had been reduced it to a dozen.
non-polluting = untrue
you like to translate each word after another?
Focus on the whole sentence and try to translate it into English instead of each single word.

weiter sehen = see more ?
I don't want to see more of that. Thanks in advance.
zum Verbrauch der umweltfreundlichen Energietrager wie Gas, Elektrizitat und Erdol aufgerufen hatte,

wer hat diesen text geschrieben? dein englischlehrer?
seit wann sind gas und erdöl umweltfreundlich und seit wann ist elektrizität ein energieträger(zumindest im hier gemeinten sinne)?
ich stehe ja eher auf ATOM !
ja, soll total umweltfreundlich sein
vorallem die entsorgung ist so einfach und ungefährlich 8D
genau ein strahlende zukunft erwartet uns mit ATOM BAUT MEHR AKW's

P.S wir schicken die ganze altlast nach Russland da stört es keinen :<
strahlend schön!

nein das lassen wir lieber, russland verscherbelt das sonst wieder nur in den nahen/mittleren osten und die bauen schmutzige bomben daraus :P
naja Osama bin Ladin soll doch auch seinen Spaß haben :D
falls der überhaupt noch am leben ist und nicht in irgend nem rattenloch oder guantanamo vergammelt

nunja, egal, ich bin mal pennen ^^ gn8
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