another cc5 journal

How it all started[/u]
Well it cc5 all started wiv meeting United Kingdomw3st, United Kingdomross and Morrocotoxic in a breakfast bar after finding my passport that morning (thanks mum)! We set off for the train, got the flight and we arrived at amsterdam! We was looking everywhere for syk so we had to make an announcement to search for Luke SYK from england, and there he appears about 4 meters away from us as we made the call! Soon after that we all hit the trains and got to Enschede and arrived at the wzzrd bar and got in and met United Kingdompansy, Finlandruoska, Estoniainfi, United Kingdomstarzi, and United Kingdomhentai and so on!

Funniest times[/u]

Not in order.

#1 NetherlandsMaxi's laugh, its fucking amazing <3!!! once he gets going he aint stopping and neither are you! its just incredible, the guy is such a laugh

#2 When United Kingdomtyyrd (stu) on live camera got the water poured on his head without waking up, omg that was fuckin funny as fuckkkkkk!

#3 United KingdomRoss getting pissed out his head on like 12 sambukas, 3 pints and shit, he was going mental, aving it up with a door mmmm... lol, asking some birds to flop out there tits, and when he put his leg through the ice in the river omg, i was down and out cryinggggg!!

#4 watching Walesdictator playing ET hahaha he is just so funny to watch, he laughs about everything in the game, even when he dies... :D

#5 When apparently United Kingdomhentai went round Germanyevilynn's hotel with schnee (i think) we didnt wana know what happened there! :D

#6 When United Kingdomross got turned away from a prostitue in a window, and pointed to tyyrd :D:D::D:D:D (starzi and w3st) :P

#7 All giving stories about shit in the cabin joined by naga and toxic, and i come out with an indian tribe story which was the most random shit ever :D

Just so many good things happened there, just a gr8 experiance all round, i will see you all at cc6 and shoutout to United Kingdom starzi, w3st, pansy, tommeh, ross, tyyrd, ey-john, tosspot Wales dictator, owzo Belgium worm Estonia infi Finland matias, ruoska Netherlands ins Poland naga, Netherlands rewolf Netherlands shakozor, jesse, parra.... just so many to name... but see you all at cc6

btw still cless searching for a cc6 team /q @
no indian tribe jokes tekn0?
lol NAGA my man how was your flight
you know airport -> starbucks -> queue to get to security control -> flight to liverpool -> breakfast in subway -> bed

basically it was ok, though the queue for the security control was almost as big as the shit from yesterday and i had to stand there about 30 minutes :X

what about you got home safe 'n sound?
Yes mate, it was great.. tired tho
added it in just for you <3
Anal lubes stuff!
not even shoutout to ur own teammates xDD
Jake i might go to cc6 mate =] could be seeing you there
cool man, cool!!

Welcome back!
Im like the clown of crossfire - put water on tyyrd's head for about 30 seconds and get so smashed on flaming sambooka's that i do the most random shit :DD
i learned hentai a german drinking toast. we tried to get evilynn in a better mood with drinking but doesnt help so we went early in bed. BUT at 5am i woke and heard ppl downstairs.. this tells another story..
die mitte...
zur mitte* ;)
ill teach u still
like u me. wont forgoet neither anymore :P
:D hehe
coming cc6 btw? you probably already told me but i forgot D:
yoo good at eating glass? :D
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