Returned from CC5

So back from CC5, i didnt write much again nor did i put the stats online yet because i was a bit sick (No i wasnt drinking, hell i dun even like beer).

Anyways keeping the servers and network alive was again a nice task. Next to some small glitches here and there and some work on final setting up of the gameservers it was pretty much a walk in the park.

I really cant wait till CC6 where their might even be a BYOC part. Cause then my job as a server/network admin really grows. Of all the LAN Party's i went to and/or organized Crossfire's are one on top of my list of the fun ones. Always something happening and what do you expect having a bar next to your computer :>

Well thats it for now, going back to some work. Ill try to put the match stats online this week ;)
The star of the show!
same!!!!!!!!!!!! wb
:DDDDDDDDDDDD back at work and unbanned!. journal about my trip laterz!
shut up u noob! :DDDDDDDDDdd
gut angekommen daheim?=!
please follow the language rule :)
but ye, arrived pretty well
Pics say more than 1000 words.
only pics of some ppl i met there.! :o
Well, it's hard to take photos of people you don't meet, so I can live with that. ;)
WLAN worked aswell on Sunday <3
Really? Not the CC5_Wired one afaik ... the after it was confirmed broken i pulled the UTP from it ;)
ah true, Nick gave us the WZZRD Password
i forgot to bring my own wireless stuff. I wont forget next event though :p
and i will plugoff my powercable when i dont charge my laptop :)
ow hai,welcome back
"Always something happening and what do you expect having a bar next to your computer :>"

you kept asking me all these random questions all the time :d
are we there yet?
- "was it you?"
- "huh?"
- "did you smoke?"
- "huh?"
- "was it you who smoked inside?"
- "no"
*long stare*

- who are you?
- one of the admins
- ?
- im decem, from crossfire, who are you?
- im crosswire
- yeah, decem from crossfire
- no im crosswire
- oh

dont blame me for not remembering how they were exactly :p
me think you smoked one to many :>
well done :P

anyway; the stream was very laggy at some points (taken from the ettv hubs), hope this is fixed on the next event :P

[nl] ken je niet toevallig eene Tim, zelfde achternaam als jij?[/nl]
srry that i thought you were german xD
Omg it's crosswire! Best medic in ET
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