Router keeps crashing/restarting

So my router keeps crashing or restarting itself.. however you want to call it

Happens especially when my dad or brother (aka the lowlife trash i have to deal with every single day) are downloading

so what im thinking... the router cant handle the amount of connections which is causing it to crash?

its some crappy SMC 4port router with 2 wireless switches connected to it:/ like 5/6pcs running all the time

Oh another thing.. when theyre downloading everything and everyone becomes unhittable while my ping remains the same/stable hmm packetloss? idk

im hopeloss:/ this is the 2nd router im experiencing this problem with BLEGH

What would i have to look for when im buying a new one? it should be a router with atleast 4 ports and wireless N

OH AND CC5 WAS GREAT FUN YO and got me addicted to ET again: <
*sucky spelling hurlow*


another funny thing... when i try to connect to my FTP from work its an instantly crash/reset unless i turn passive off lol
18 always makes me happy :P

maybe cuz of the memoires i got with this song :P
Well if you use torrent and/or P2P you get a massive amount of connections (duh!) so u either need to have a router that can capp that or handle the amount of NAT sessions.

Another solution is to capp the max connection in the application itself.

Both solutions work, better yet: Go to the shop buy a linksys and load OpenWRT on it. You get a high-end router you can customize fully to your needs. You could even load ur evil brother into his own vlan capped at ISDN speed :p
theyre using newsleecher:/

it even happends sometimes when noone is downloading or when im home alone.. but AWRG when they start dwonloading its like bye internet every 30minutes for 1/2minutes.. the first 10seconds you wont be able to get in the router configuration and once youre in it says Status: DISCONNECTED and youll need to wait for it to connect whiuch takes like 45seconds

yep : ) already got a linksys wirelss N router but my brother was to stupid to buy the annex A version:/ so im using that now to stream files from my pc to laptop
As said, the box can't handle the connections, and the fact that they reserve the bandwidth and overload the box.

Good steps to proceed are to
...get a good box
...get a better box and slap OpenWRT as suggested
...either way, setup a QoS for your box
Considering he doesn't know what the problem cause is by himself, that alone would suggest he wouldn't be able to install & use OpenWRT :)
TRUE lol

*googling about openWRT as we speak though*

Check this too. You can limit their traffic also.
maybe it's overheating and restarting it self..
that, or overloaded with sessions thus crashes.
teaches u to get a netgear next time
go jump in an oven, douchebag
same :<<
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