Need help (lua)

For some reason my lua modules get unloaded, this is what i get after i load the cb3 config (new)
13:35.42 ------------------------------------------------------------
13:35.42 InitGame: \mod_version\3.2.6\g_heavyWeaponRestriction\16\mod_url\\g_maxlivesRespawnPenalty\0\voteFlags\174787\g_balancedteams\0\g_maxGameClients\0\g_covertopsChargeTime\30000\g_soldierChargeTime\30000\g_LTChargeTime\40000\g_engineerChargeTime\30000\g_medicChargeTime\45000\g_bluelimbotime\1000\g_redlimbotime\1000\gamename\etpro\g_gametype\3\g_antilag\1\g_voteFlags\0\g_alliedmaxlives\0\g_axismaxlives\0\g_minGameClients\8\g_needpass\1\g_maxlives\0\g_friendlyFire\1\sv_allowAnonymous\0\sv_floodProtect\0\sv_maxPing\0\sv_minPing\0\sv_minguidage\0\sv_punkbuster\0\sv_hostname\PomDomPom\sv_privateClients\0\mapname\te_valhalla\protocol\84\timelimit\5\version\ET 2.60b linux-i386 May 8 2006\sv_maxclients\12\sv_maxrate\25000
13:36.14 etpro: configname ^?ClanBase ^22v2 ^7& ^23v3^7
13:36.14 etpro: init set sv_pure 1
13:36.14 etpro: init set sv_cheats 0
13:36.14 etpro: init set g_gametype 3
13:36.14 etpro: init set g_warmup 15
13:36.14 etpro: init set g_doWarmup 1
13:36.14 etpro: init set g_voiceChatsAllowed 99
13:36.14 etpro: init set g_spectatorInactivity 0
13:36.14 etpro: init set g_friendlyFire 1
13:36.14 etpro: init set g_heavyWeaponRestriction 16
13:36.14 etpro: init set g_medicChargeTime 45000
13:36.14 etpro: init set g_LTChargeTime 40000
13:36.14 etpro: init set g_engineerChargeTime 30000
13:36.14 etpro: init set g_soldierChargeTime 30000
13:36.14 etpro: init set g_covertopschargetime 30000
13:36.14 etpro: init set g_landminetimeout 0
13:36.14 etpro: init set g_teamForceBalance 0
13:36.14 etpro: init set g_filtercams 1
13:36.14 etpro: init set g_fastres 0
13:36.14 etpro: init set g_noTeamSwitching 1
13:36.14 etpro: init set g_knifeonly 0
13:36.14 etpro: init set g_maxlives 0
13:36.14 etpro: init set g_alliedmaxlives 0
13:36.14 etpro: init set g_axismaxlives 0
13:36.14 etpro: init set g_speed 320
13:36.14 etpro: init set g_gravity 800
13:36.14 etpro: init set g_knockback 1000
13:36.14 etpro: init set team_maxSoldiers 0
13:36.14 etpro: init set team_maxMedics -1
13:36.14 etpro: init set team_maxEngineers -1
13:36.14 etpro: init set team_maxFieldops -1
13:36.14 etpro: init set team_maxCovertops -1
13:36.14 etpro: init set team_maxMortars 0
13:36.14 etpro: init set team_maxFlamers 0
13:36.14 etpro: init set team_maxMg42s 0
13:36.14 etpro: init set team_maxPanzers 0
13:36.14 etpro: init set team_maxRiflegrenades 0
13:36.14 etpro: init set team_maxMines 0
13:36.14 etpro: init set team_maxplayers 0
13:36.14 etpro: init set team_nocontrols 0
13:36.14 etpro: init set match_timeoutcount 2
13:36.14 etpro: init set match_timeoutlength 240
13:36.14 etpro: init set match_minplayers 2
13:36.14 etpro: init set match_latejoin 1
13:36.14 etpro: init set match_readypercent 100
13:36.14 etpro: init set match_warmupDamage 2
13:36.14 etpro: init set sv_minping 0
13:36.14 etpro: init set sv_maxping 0
13:36.14 etpro: init set pmove_fixed 0
13:36.14 etpro: init set nextmap ""
13:36.14 etpro: init set g_allowVote 1
13:36.14 etpro: init set vote_limit 99
13:36.14 etpro: init set vote_percent 51
13:36.14 etpro: init set vote_allow_balancedteams 0
13:36.14 etpro: init set vote_allow_muting 1
13:36.14 etpro: init set vote_allow_swapteams 1
13:36.14 etpro: init set vote_allow_friendlyfire 0
13:36.14 etpro: init set vote_allow_timelimit 1
13:36.14 etpro: init set vote_allow_kick 1
13:36.14 etpro: init set vote_allow_map 1
13:36.14 etpro: init set vote_allow_matchreset 1
13:36.14 etpro: init set vote_allow_mutespecs 1
13:36.14 etpro: init set vote_allow_nextmap 0
13:36.14 etpro: init set vote_allow_referee 1
13:36.14 etpro: init set vote_allow_config *
13:36.14 etpro: init set vote_allow_comp 0
13:36.14 etpro: init set vote_allow_gametype 0
13:36.14 etpro: init set vote_allow_pub 0
13:36.14 etpro: init set vote_allow_shuffleteams 0
13:36.14 etpro: init set vote_allow_shuffleteamsxp 0
13:36.14 etpro: init set vote_allow_cointoss 1
13:36.14 etpro: init set vote_allow_surrender 0
13:36.14 etpro: init set vote_allow_warmupdamage 0
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_mapscriptdirectory etpromapscripts
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_levels_battlesense -1
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_levels_engineer -1
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_levels_medic -1
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_levels_fieldops -1
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_levels_lightweapons -1
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_levels_soldier -1
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_levels_covertops -1
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_defaultskills ""
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_noskillupgrades 1
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_statsaver 1
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_intermissiontime 20
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_privatemessages 0
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_multiview 0
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_match_warmupjoin 0
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_xpstopwatch 0
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_spectatornames 1
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_shove 60
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_shove_noz 1
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_stickycharge 2
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_damagexp 1
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_antiwarp 1
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_panzerlevelup 5
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_headshot 0
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_riflegrenades 0
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_fallingbugfix 1
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_fixedphysics 1
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_fixedphysicsfps 125
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_campaignfile ""
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_defaultbantime 120
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_ettv_flags 3
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_shrug 0
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_wolfrof 0
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_flushitems 1
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_distancefalloff 1
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_helmetprotection 1
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_maxmortarpitch 20
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_chargetransfer 0
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_sv_hitsounds 1
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_realhead 1
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_extendedprone 1
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_pronedelay 1
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_anticheat 1
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_cheatkicktime 1
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_floodKickRate 10
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_floodKickBurst 15
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_floodKickTime 0
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_banners 0
13:36.14 etpro: init set lua_modules combinedfixes.lua
13:36.14 etpro: init set lua_allowedmodules 1C455F0C2D3497C3D435DFD58352FB6B924CD887
13:36.14 etpro: init set g_log cb3v3.log
13:36.14 etpro: init set b_cheatlog cb3v3_cheat.log
13:36.14 etpro: init command pb_sv_enable
13:36.14 etpro: init command pb_sv_kicklen 1
13:36.14 etpro: init command sv_cvarempty
13:36.14 etpro: init command sv_cvar cl_freelook EQ 1
13:36.14 etpro: init command sv_cvar cl_pitchspeed EQ 0
13:36.14 etpro: init command sv_cvar cl_yawspeed EQ 0
13:36.14 etpro: init command sv_cvar cl_timenudge EQ 0
13:36.14 etpro: init command sv_cvar b_simpleitems EQ 0
13:36.14 etpro: init command sv_cvar cg_bobup IN 0 0.005
13:36.14 etpro: init command sv_cvar cg_fov IN 90 120
13:36.14 etpro: init command sv_cvar cg_shadows IN 0 1
13:36.14 etpro: init command sv_cvar rate EQ 25000
13:36.14 etpro: init command sv_cvar cl_maxpackets EQ 100
13:36.14 etpro: init command sv_cvar snaps EQ 20
13:36.14 etpro: init command sv_cvar com_maxfps IN 40 125
13:36.14 etpro: init command sv_cvar m_pitch OUT -0.015 0.015
13:36.14 etpro: init command sv_cvar m_yaw IN -0.022 0.022
13:36.14 etpro: init command sv_cvar r_drawentities EQ 1
13:36.14 etpro: init command sv_cvar r_drawworld EQ 1
13:36.14 etpro: init command sv_cvar r_lightmap EQ 0
13:36.14 etpro: init command sv_cvar r_showmodelbounds EQ 0
13:36.14 etpro: init command sv_cvar r_showtris EQ 0
13:36.14 etpro: init command sv_cvar r_znear EQ 3
13:36.14 etpro: init command sv_cvar r_allowextensions EQ 1
13:36.14 etpro: init command sv_cvar r_ati_fsaa_samples EQ 0
13:36.14 etpro: init command sv_cvar r_ati_truform_tess EQ 0
13:36.14 etpro: init command sv_cvar r_clamptoedge EQ 1
13:36.14 etpro: init command sv_cvar r_colorMipLevels EQ 0
13:36.14 etpro: init command sv_cvar r_depthbits IN 24 32
13:36.14 etpro: init command sv_cvar r_detailtextures EQ 0
13:36.14 etpro: init command sv_cvar r_flares IN 0 1
13:36.14 etpro: init command sv_cvar r_ext_ATI_pntriangles EQ 0
13:36.14 etpro: init command sv_cvar r_nv_fogdist_mode INCLUDE NV GL_EYE_RADIAL_NV
13:36.14 etpro: init command sv_cvar r_primitives IN 0 2
13:36.14 etpro: init command sv_cvar r_subdivisions IN 1 20
13:36.14 etpro: init command sv_cvar r_lodcurveerror GE 60
13:36.14 etpro: init command forcecvar r_wolffog 0
13:36.14 etpro: init command forcecvar r_zfar 0
13:36.14 etpro: Lua module [combinedfixes.lua] [1C455F0C2D3497C3D435DFD58352FB6B924CD887] unloaded.
13:36.14 etpro svcmd: forcing client cvar [r_wolffog] to [0]
13:36.14 etpro svcmd: forcing client cvar [r_zfar] to [0]
13:36.14 ShutdownGame:
13:36.14 ------------------------------------------------------------

It's quite odd :( Hope someone can help me :S
You wrote your own lua?
The cb signature doesn't allow any other lua's to be loaded besides the lua fix.
Got it from clanbase site, just uploaded it in etpro.
So its the standard lua fix. Should load without a problem (don't load it manually, the cb config has the cvar in it).
I load it in server.cfg & every other config cos i don't wnne have ppl /ws crash my server
U think that's my pb ?
Nope. Delete it from the server.cfg. Its automaticly loaded by the cb config if you did everything right.
Didn't help :(
looks complicated
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