browsing the stats

Dear journal,

i was just browsing through some gtv stats when the on demand section catched my attention.
Its saying: # Total Events in DB: 3,163
thats slighty more than 50% of all finished matches in our database, wee

but the more impressive thing was this number:
# Successfully served: 50,008
just cracked the 50k.
we started half a year ago which means we serve an average of more than 8,300 matches per month

np for sharing

if you have no idea what im talking about:

image: VIPphoto2494
Nice, <3 to all the GamesTV crew that do a great job ^^
thankyou for providingz us

image: Bush_dodges_shoes
this is wicked xD
next time he has to throw the nade.
skooli...its *caught*
Great job :)

image: anim-woman
i love that gif!
... :o fapfap +1
written by de skooli on 09.06 00:39

time flies :/
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