driving exams :(((

Ive to do my practical driving exam tomorrow and Iam frightened like shit.
my driving teacher just tries every time to get me nervous and stuff and Iam sure he will do that tomorrow also :((

How was your driving exam?
doing it next month.
better than yours!
i got it trought 1st try :)))))))))))))))))))))))
first time went horrible was fucking nervous and shit... second time i was stoned and it went ok made it 2nd try
mmmaaaaaa man!!! :p grats:p
yeah thank it's only been like 5 years ago but still thanks man <3
moet zalig zijn :p ja van geen klote iets aantrekke en knetter stoned chille achter je stuur :p en dan nog op je exame :p
haha ja was wel rlxd idd <3<3 ik dacht bij me eigen eerst keer was ik fucking nerveus maybe als ik smoke gaat het wel beter... ging niet echt super maar was iig niet nerveus (nog maar net gehaald, ik reed supergoed op de snelweg zei mijn instructeur, als ik dat niet gedaan had was ik nog gezakt maybe :p )
It was easy personnaly. My bro France Sinus just pass his exam just 10min before me :D
same story. My brother Germanyrize was driving first, then me. Both with success.
Failed 5 times :D

Have it now though
u shouldnt be allowed to drive a car then :x
3x here, really depends on the instructor taking the test
Really easy, passed first time... just be confident. You don't get entered if you're not good enough.
Ye I drive good at least thats what my dad told me when I drove with him on some practicing track. I drive actually better than half of my family allready, but this son of a bitch always make me nervous because he want me to fail so Ive to pay once again ..
I thought that only happens on BALKAN^^
I've never been entered, have you?
Many times...
also passed for the 1st time, but the driving judge or whatever was pretty tough and pissed:D
easy bash
next month for me!
izi, but had an assholder driving judge guy :<

[/] fahr einfach so wie in fahrstunden...ganz normal, ich bin erst zu vorsichtig gefahren -> fail : < , danach liefs besser [/ger]
ease as a pie
the only one exam when i wasnt scared cause i know that i drive "good"
failed the first time in both exams and now i already got more kilometers and better skillz then most of my friends - but arc du spasst dont care bout somethin like this. u can repeat that shit :-)
2nd time was pretty ok
got it the 1st time with a little luck !:)
If he tries to get you nervous all the time, that means he's trying to soften the blow you'll get tomorrow. Once you are driving you'll notice it will be a piece of cake. Although... it wont when you drive shit ;)

GL tomorrow :>
And driving with an instructor is nothing like driving on your own ^^
That's so true. The first time that i'll drive alone, or just with sum1 next to you who isnt your instructor.. is hell xD
1st time ezbash, just take your time and don't rush things.
i passed it
Nov. next year!
komm digga, das voll easy, die unterhalten sich un du sollst einfach nur fahrn, wie inner fahrschule ;)
I failed first time because I drove 120 km/h while overtaking 5 trucks, where I only allowed to drive 100. :D
hero rly :p
Yea 8D.
Next try at Januari again.
izibash.. i drive in 2 cars now.. HORSEPOWERRRRRRR
Easy bash.
Driving tests vary a lot from country to country. I think The Netherlands have one of the strictest driving test around the world.
But im not allowed to drive ;(
Cuz i have to wait till i get 17 and have to pick up my licens
Mine was really easy. Only had to drive straight forward, onto the Autobahn, next exit turn and straight back to the TÜV parking lot, were I didn't even had to park. Only took 15 minutes.
das wichtigste an dem ganzen ist, jedes mal, wenn du an einer Kreuzung ankommst, nicht vergessen zu schauen, ob da ein Stopzeichen steht. Wenn du dies verpasst ---> durchgefallen.
17.12.2008 @ 10:30 :) we'll see
ahah gl mate :>
thx, You too :P
hahaha, no gl ;D ok, joke, keep cool, dont take baldrian, otherwise u will fall asleep at a traffic light, like a friend of mine did :D gl dicka ;>
Passed today, have the writing test 23 december :D
got it in first try

2 easy
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