heroes s03e13

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im disappointed... hiro is without powers (pretty bad), sylar... yeah, what about sylar they left him in this building? whats up now with pete?

psst... nathan bitchy wigger...

edit: gonna watch prison break in ~ 10 mins
maikl lives, scylla is lost to a random, lincoln is with company, gretchen and don self are fucked both ways
maikl vs. liNc now :<<<<<

maikl wanna break out of company, liNC wanna work for em :<
yeah nathan's a fuckin wussy tard
peter should've killed him :D going to watch pb soon as well :d
i was disaappointed too
peter got his powers back, now?
yep, at least he can fly ;d
his ability was never flying

his ability was to copy others abilities when hes near them.. now if he got nathans when he went near him thats another story...

the question is... did the future change or not? hiro's friend got a power now (the red thingy) and hiro himself saw him killing him with that power in the future....

if it didnt change from where the abilities are going to generate?

The formula is torn apart and the catalyst vanished...

hmmmmmmm :D
no one said that 'formula' gonna give him back his abilities... yeah, you can say "Arthur said it can!" but he did not know it at all!

I wanna Hiro with his powers!!!!
je Hiro and Peter with no powers is boring :(
dun care about Peter since Hiro is the 'bestest'
ok, heres a headfuck for you.

hiro went back in time, met his mum. she gave him "the light", which means claire never got it right? so why did the first season ever happen at all? "save the cheerleader, save the world" ? why bother, shes a nobody aint she :D she has no powers cos she was never given her gift of being invincible!!!!!!!!! time travel paradox's, gotta love em :D
time traveling can change everything.. ;)

i know ure only watching because of claire!!!!
actually i was watching for elle
Season end rly dissapointed me, last few chapters were really exciting. But this bad, way to fast end ruined it.
agreed... thought "sylars episode" gonna take a bit longer.. ;d
seems he got his power back finally :DDDDDD Sylar is dead, forever?
Enjoyed the ep, too bad it ended for now.

i hope that peter is not only able to fly but luckily grabbed the injection that gives him the power to "copy" other powers...i really really really hope that :p

i dont think that sylar is dead...and i also think that mohinder will be a villain now with more superpowers (as you saw he was in the "soup" of that power stuff) and also i think hiro will get his power back somehow.
I think sylar is dead now. He was the villain in season one, a villain in season 2 and a villain in season 3. They won't make another season with him. And I guess Sylar burned with the house :)
Characters have died before and come back to life.

I think someone will find his burnt body and eye brows and pull the glass from his head and he will come back to life or something.
actually it would be nice to see sylar fighting the army. but I think that would be toooo expensive for a tv show :/
new prison break episode sucks.
edit: new heroes and dexter also sucks. even more probably.
this episode heroes ep was a sort of SAW VI lol
Wanna see it too :(
ROFL PETER IS NOW GAY LIKE HIS BROTHER WITH FLYING POWERS and ando is a fucking pwner all of a sudden
When they are gonna air the next ep?
2nd of February.
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