A victim of halo 3
16 Dec 2008, 21:05
Do you know who this fucking psychopathic cancer mongol is?
What a sick motherfucker...... http://gizmodo.com/5110503/boy-allegedly-shot-parents-who-took-halo-3-away
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
jag bestämde mig att bara avände irc med etspelarna, men nu är jag ju inte kvar med dispo ^^
3:03 PM on Mon Dec 15 2008
This is very sad! No video games for you in prison... "
Neither of his parents can testify and I don't see why he'd admit saying that?
Fake story imo.
From that we can think the father survived. It's not the first time a person can still talk after being shot to the head.