A Maltese man went to Enschede

Yes, it is going to be one of those journals again, but there is going to be 1 question at the end of it!

I had my longest journey yet to get there since there aren't direct flights to Amsterdam or anywhere close at this time of the year, so I've been to a total of 4 different airports and used 4 different airlines to get there and back. Malta to Luton with Ryanair, Stansted to Amsterdam with Easyjet, Amsterdam to Frankfurt with Lufthansa, Frankfurt to Malta with Air Malta.

My journey started in Malta as I stayed in the Executive Lounge while a waited for my flight, for a total of like 5 euros, which was well worth it. After 1 hour of drinking for just a cost of 5 euros, it was time to start boarding. As soon as I landed in Luton, I see United Kingdom R0SS there waiting for me so we walked to United Kingdom w3st's car to ross' place. I slept there while danny [west] met us in the morning.

The lads wanted to take me to a proper full english breakfast caf to experience what it is like in Romford. Met up with United Kingdom TEKN0 (jake) who found his passport. Basically got absolutely stuffed and didnt eat till very late that day where i had half a pizza!

Train journey started...... I'm soo bored of saying this already, I'll stop here. Highlight at amsterdam airport, making an announcement on the P.A. system of the airport asking for a Luke 'syK' from Cardiff to come to the information desk where he came 5 seconds after :)

Loved meeting all of you guys again, but special shoutout to...
United Kingdom R0SS - top bloke, cheers for everything
United Kingdom w3st - absolute legend, cheers bud
United Kingdom syK - finally met u after so long, damn sheepshagger :) <3
United Kingdom Pansy - good not to be in a bathroom this time :rolleyes: LOVE YA BABE :P

Just to mention some other lovely people... <3 to adacore,milk, tekoa, xpaz, wiaderko, dialer, queen, tommeh(ginger :PP), starzi, tosspot, baggiez, morg, infi, ruoska, joop, xylos, snoop, tekno, hentai, azzor, ronner, cash, ovrboost, wing

i probably forgot so many ppl and im sure for that :(

the question... how the fuck do i get mouse accel completely disabled on vista? :(

pleasure meeting u all, either for the first time, or again.... cu in April :)) some even in less than 2 weeks :)

OW YES, i also came 2nd in poker while being absolutely smashed on sunday night winning 80 euros was it? couldnt even see the colour of the chips :D:D

Happy Holidays
Was awesome, as always. Was fun to be Impact's driver - next time we get a slightly bigger car and I'll take y'all to and from Amsterdam too!

Nice coming 4th btw.
you were even Epsilon's driver :D Are they paying for your gas with their winnings?
We (polagz) almost had you!! :D ggs : )
no shoutout for me :(?
nice story and: i have no idea!
nice story :]
any time mate ;)) good job at the poker oieoiii :PP
get on irc or msn danny mate, quick word
Steve wants Dan for CC6!
he was wnb you, came all the way to top2 just to get raged by someone else!
cu@cc6 ;D
cya @cc6 for fistfight, you fag!

<3333 u..
was nice meeting u again and having u stay over. See u soon ;)
Quotethe question... how the fuck do i get mouse accel completely disabled on vista? :(

use winxp :) even m$ admits it a total fail and are totally focussing on win 7.0
ye i know xp is better but laptop came with vista, and its original, first ever original i have, want to use it even tho its shit, so tell me how!
I'm also using a laptop with Vista 32bit and I don't have any acceleration like there was in XP, just make sure that "Enchance pointer precision" is unticked I guess.
nice meeting u toxic, see you in the next one! :)
cu at the next one hun, was a pleasure meeting you
was nice to see u again. till next lan :D
nice to see you again t master ;)
Till we meet again snorer ;)
take better care of your water next time
Was nice to meet you once again :L
It was wise to give me a shout out my Maltese friend.
i would never forget u ever mate
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