Minimum fps?
16 Dec 2008, 22:26
What is the minimum fps u guys need to play good?
Ive been constantly changing settings lately. But im guessing its kinda useless since my fps goes between 10 and 45... usually 25 in 1o1's with huge spikes and drops.
So is it just me or is that unplayable?
Ive been constantly changing settings lately. But im guessing its kinda useless since my fps goes between 10 and 45... usually 25 in 1o1's with huge spikes and drops.
So is it just me or is that unplayable?
okky :(
edit: wait, how the hell can you get such low fps with a computer like that, i managed to get 50 with geforce 2, 256 ram and pentium 3
I dont even get 40 stable: (
60 - good
76 - very good
125 - useless - your monitor will be never able to handle with it (CRT's have about 80 fps max on low resolution)
Btw hi2u, how's it goin'? :)
everything is fine (ehm.. not :D) what about you ? xD
what does have WHAT to do with WHAT ? :D
I ment this :) Why would it matter that tv has around 30 fps :o
I'm cool too, going to buy a new laptop soon. Haven't played ET since my old pc, (this one) started to be shitty. This one is full of viruses and a fucking slow :) Really old one.
Glad to hear you'r ok ;) Keep it up lagger. (if i remember right)
anyway,if you have lot of viruses on it,try to reinstall windows / install antivirus xD
new laptop? wow,i'd like one too :) but I just hope i will get iPod from "baby jezus" :D
and that about tv.. tv is fluent without lagging with just 30 fps..
Santa will bring you iPod :D I need to buy laptop by myself with my summer working money.
well, if I worked in the summer I would have any money to buy something too.. but now, I have to rely on my paren.. christmas.. :D
after buying new pc i got a skillboost cuz everything was easier with 125 fps
cause aiming with constant fps changes is even more impossible for me
76 with lcd