mystery solved............

still wondering who planted the foot-long at CC5
It was the guy who got the least votes at the poll...


how I figured out?

ati_ is looking every where in order to know everythng

image: 2metercd0
what a stalker!
and now blush!!!!!!! !
We can see my right hand !!
We can see my at the left corner with a white shirt
er gaan geruchten dat jij iemand genomen hebt op de lan, tell me plx!
klopt, hij heeft herbal kneiterhard in z'n anus genomen en toen kwam die enorme boomtak van een drol in die wzzrd wc!
urtier body? btw lame joke
no its actually real ... welcome to russia
The fall probably wouldn't have killed him either. Stupid Russian.
he kinda failed xd
falling from 8 stores = death normally:/
nah watch i should be dead @ national geographic, a parachute didnt open, women crashed with 200km/hour @ the ground and survived it xD
huh:s? maybe she fell into a bush or something, I also heard a story from some1 who fell at a high speed and fell into a bush and survived. If there wasn't a bush or something its a miracle:).
But i still think the chance is quite high that u die from 8 stories high. U can survive it tho but i don't want to know the odds:)
He died without a doubt but it is unlikely to be outright since he wasn't travelling fast enough. Setting himself on fire would probably slow him down as well... and he looked like he landed almost horizontal. How unlucky stupid can you get? :D
yeh h'd prolly died and the girl was very lucky i suppose :P bormally u die when falling from 8 stories high. A girlfriend of a friend of my died last summer by falling 6 stories down :(
May god have her soul!
when falling, u reach the maximum velocity kinda fast, and after that the speed doesn't increase anymore
I know, but still @ 200km/h falling down, even if u cant go faster, can be quite painfull ^^
ye but my point is that, it's kinda same if u fall from 8th floor or 2km :)

but surely surviving either is a miracle
yea i had your point man, dont worry:)
Cant see it, I need a log in but yea I know you can survive from higher but the chance is quite high already that u die from 8 stores. As I said in the other post, some1 whose parachute is stuck and falls down can survive it too from a few km, but these are very rare.
Question remains why you post this shit.
specing my hacks
lol, you told me about your lama's!
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