thanks CC

for getting me "addicted" to ET again

game is still as terrible at 6months ago but yet so much fun to play

just well bored at work : < no students at all here... last day before vacation starts

oh monday/thuesday/wednesday are just going to be too boring: < better bring myself some movies and hotdogs I MIGHT GAIN SOME WEIGHT OH

Time to deliver and install a PC somewhere and then entertain myself again by smiling politely at students passing by the students helpdesk

Oh did any of you on friday get a closer look at those electronic peglegs? w/e theyre called

crazy shit man! id run the 100 in 3seconds with some of those
better watch some tv at work! ;)
image: 377318899_6_kCiv
Like 2 lovers!
Oh baby let me rub your skin<3

a metrosexual and a homosexual Lol
that was u?
yeah..unfortunatly i was only there on friday:/
you look like a swede lol !
i wish! i could have yelled swedish stuff to in flames or that chick from sonic syndicate and start a conversation
but your hairstyle :~D
its rare! most guys in this shitcountry got short haircuts and use gel

i<3it.. even tho people call me names now like gothic or emo
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