What are your plans for the next hours?

Me is just came home from school (thanks god I have only 3 lessons on friday), so I'm going to order my new sweet gaming machine soon, and what are you plans for the next hours?

image: b46y51
going to play football in 2 hours!
Play games.
1 hour anymore left @ work,then i smoke a cig, head back home,piss in toilet,maybe smoke another cig and go to visit my parents. if i am motivated enough i will fix my interiorheater from my car. altho there is only +1'c outside, it would be good if it would blow warm air to my feets. :)
Nice, what's your job btw?
i manufacture electrosurgical and other types of medical and surgical equipments. when you break your arm/ankle/shoulder etc,remember me. :D i might have produced that "part" how they tie up your cruciate ligaments or what so ever. :D
Pretty kewl.
omg i dont trust u :(
why should I? :(
why you shouldn't? :(
what i hate the most ?! When my boss says:
Out of sync.

My next hours wont be fun
No one will notice if things are just a teensy bit out of sync.
Ha! My favourite. I always blame the sound guys.
not spamming!
my plan is to troll on forums
work - 22:00 :(
just got home,gonna relax a little,im watching Knight Rider on tv now olol
mine will be on the PC and munching out till 6, then work from 6-10 :(
Get all the stuff done at work: one hdd needs to be in colour correction by the end of the day, but the transfer times are killing me.

And a second disk needs to be installed. Some goofball obviously misunderstood, when we asked for the material on a harddrive: he sent us the hdd of his computer. I bet he doesn't have a backup copy of the material, and the disk is from a Mac. Better not fuck this up. :)
i thought you were a truck driver ;/
Yup, just trucking along... :D
well I will watch this few times. Cant stop really :D It's so funny and sounds good.
Almost 9 million hits already. :O
fucking serve my time @ work, then toil through our companys christmas meeting and then finally enjoy my holidays :o)
finish homework for university, print it and get it off my neck. then buying gifts for christmas.
amg what gifts
hanging around atm near court, really important stuff - laterz workzzzz :<
Going to my parents house in a couple of hours and enjoy some christmas atmosphere.
it's fake! The atmosphere i mean :dd
gonna have "partyevening" (hi hansoo xD) in an hour or two, afterwards going to teh barber and some shopping I guess!
just came from school to work, will refresh and spam xfire for the next 8h
just came back from gym, now eat, then clean house a little and after that wait for the girl when her school is finnished, then just chill out =)
uni from 15.00 to 20.00
i think i play the Coldfire Pistols 1on1 Cup at 17 pm =)
I go back to bed, coz slept only 2 hours because of party and other things (little work, playing some ET in the morning)...
Learn to write English before you write a Journal in the language...You are a fucking disgrace boy...
for the next hours?
Why would you want to know that?
some random things
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