hello xfire im back!!
19 Dec 2008, 13:04
stupid ISP provider :@
half Malta didn't have internet from 6pm yesterday and the reason was that the cable between Malta and Catania broke down :o
Took them 17hrs to switch from the broken cable to the Vodafone one :@
and guess what - no refunds!
half Malta didn't have internet from 6pm yesterday and the reason was that the cable between Malta and Catania broke down :o
Took them 17hrs to switch from the broken cable to the Vodafone one :@
and guess what - no refunds!
difference is... it's in the sea!
issa suppost ghandna kollox normali jew? as in... nistaw nuzaw kollox bhal qabel jew ha nergaw nkunu mandra? <3
probabli ghadhom ma rrangawhx taghhom l GO.... ma trid xej biex jerga jitlaq kollox sakemm ma jergghu jeqilbu kollox lura