hello xfire im back!!

stupid ISP provider :@

half Malta didn't have internet from 6pm yesterday and the reason was that the cable between Malta and Catania broke down :o

Took them 17hrs to switch from the broken cable to the Vodafone one :@

and guess what - no refunds!
something like that

difference is... it's in the sea!
a malta EL-O-EL
good, I alrydy missed u
@ catania mafia try to take money from u guys...PIZZO on the cable..!!!
good thing i went out to play football and went to hospital so the downtime barely effected me!

issa suppost ghandna kollox normali jew? as in... nistaw nuzaw kollox bhal qabel jew ha nergaw nkunu mandra? <3
nahseb bhalissa kulhadd qieghed fuq l backbone tal vodafone

probabli ghadhom ma rrangawhx taghhom l GO.... ma trid xej biex jerga jitlaq kollox sakemm ma jergghu jeqilbu kollox lura
nahseb no paly paly ghal xi gimatej mill-inqas jin :p
Fat ppl play football?
im not too sure
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