CoD4 1.7 tdm servers

Need to find some Call of Duty 4 team deathmatch servers with the 1.7 patch. I find this task impossible and I require some assistance. Please help.

44 slots from germany

it's even cracked so u can play without a key
ingame filter ftw =)
not 4 u faggot
fuck you! hupo is cool B[
woho hupoo fanboy

I wonder if you are huppo we just played 3on3 but if u are, (there was some hatehead or whatever and 1 more) nice 1 crashing the server when owned...

I truely hate your kind twat...

if u are not that hupoo or if hupoo is a common nick or whatever, ignore this.
It was me, I was rofling so hard cause my teammates sucked ass =D I crashed the server just to show you the way to better configs (please use cb configs).

Edit: Nice beard. Now make me pizza.

so you crashed the server u wanted to show us the way to better configs....riiight.

just to let u know, u ruined the night for us since we cant fix it

its funny to see pathetic ppl like you and how u got the balls on the internets...doing these kinda things just because u can...

you are a little spoilt twat, and that's all your ever gonna be, enjoy it.

edit: oh btw no you werent rofling were so pissed that you were owned by low guys you ended up crashing a server.
What ever makes you happy sandnigger =) Go blow yourself up with suicidebomb. Or make a pizza.
hellfire is where u will go when the devil claws your hopeless soul down to his forge.
Thanks for all the love guys. If I would find good servers I wouldn't play ET anymore, but since I didn't find any I guess I have to be a dick in ET for rest of my life.
Wow kill yourself and i'm happy -.-
Sorry, I don't grant wishes on the holidays.
ah okay but me so graatz
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