lil question

whats better for gaming CRT monitor or LCD?

It's a matter of taste.
crt is way better for gaming for sure so much smoother
i choose the opinion who no one will take -> TFT
wat is TFT?
that wudnt be problem for me since my desk is huge :D
omg chmpp @ my journal omg!!!!
hi robaciek
tft @ 100hz
CRT with 85+ HZ
A decent crt..
like the vision master pro 454/hm903dt(a)

100+hz atleast
crt better for gaming and has that retro look...uhmm sexy =)
Anything that can make 100Hz or more refresh rate is good for gaming... rest is for u to find out

Although, if u play a game where it doesn't matter that your screen is "warping" and u like nice colors, then go for lcd
Playing on a 85Hz CRT for ages now and can't imagine there being that big of a difference with higher refresh rates.
hi, I play @ 120 Hz, and the difference is very big for me in comparison with 85... But I think it depends which monitor (brand/type) you have. Mine has a low performance @ 85 Hz, eye cancer shit. @ 75 Hz it's even worse :) But I true believe that other brands have a solid framewave (? what to call it else ?) @ 85 Hz or lower.
try putting it on 100Hz or 120Hz and u should be abe to see the difference in smoothness
The problem is, back in the good old days 85Hz was the highest a monitor could do. ;)
Actually that's the reason ppl are using very low resolutions (not making the game run smoother). Even r_mode 3 is acceptable if it allows u to use a higher refresh rate

And on the other hand it's kinda void to say how good CRT @ 85Hz is if u have never had a higher one to compare with :)
Just because my monitor doesn't support it doesn't mean I haven't seen it, it's just a bit harder to compare! But at 60Hz you can see the blinking, at 85 not really.
Well, I can see even blinking at 100Hz compared to 120Hz and human eye should be able to notice it with even greater values.

But ofc it's good for u if u don't need to long for a 100+ Hz monitor because u are satisfied with your current one :)

the point is, that if u wanna LCD which is at same level as CRT u will pay 18x that much money..
Show me such LCD and I'll buy it right away. But the thing is that there isn't any
after 6h CRT u r microwaved and feel like turkey XD
rofl!! XDDD OMFG XDD made my night of2sleep xD
LSD is the best thing invented for gaming.
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