The ocean's foam matches the froth of hair streaming through your lips.

Dear Crossfire

So here I am, sitting behind my desk on Saturday morning. I have goddamn bowel flu but that won't stop me from playing some serious basketball business with friends (hope the game won't get too dirty OLOLOLOLOLOL) but until then I'm in need of cheap internet amusement. So basically - gimme some!

In exchange I give you this shizzle: <-- try some levels marked as "Extreme" :P

And a random pic ofc:
image: funny-pictures-lessons-on-cat-camoflage

np: Napalm Death - Silence Is Deafening

BTW if someone is interested in doing a few 1on1s in Toribash (wushu/joust/classic preferred) maybe not now but in teh night just PM me here - I'm barely green belt but I know a few moves already ^^
first "extreme" made me busy for 66 seconds
60secs here, owned !
I just woke up! And it was the first try, made like 20 moves or smth.
If you mean Crosses I made it in 48 :P

but some of them are rly hard

or you can try "Madness" ones on the last page
none of the extremes took me more than 60secs now that I figured the idea
Yeah they are not that hard, I'm trying with "Madness" ones now :P
ok let's try those then :p

I'm kinda bored anyway, waiting a friend to call me
uuh, the robot attack ain't easy :o

I almost got the key already though !

nvm, got it through now but took me 300secs :S
nice wasting 5 precious minutes of your life on some useless game, just like i spent 30 seconds typing this (i just woke up, my typing is flawed!) :(
that game needed some thinking and brain power, so wasn't complete waste :)
had to active only 3 neurons, doesn't qualify for "thinking"
u tried the 3 last "madness" levels?
I'm sick and I totally hate gastric dsieases >:E But everything else is more or less fine. And you?
quite ok! school's over for a couple of days now
I still have fucking laboratory on Modnay...
Indeed, even the laboratory workers said before like "finish this quickly cause it would be silly to come here @ 22nd of Dec" and now we got the info that it's obligatory 0_0
spnt all day in work yesterday playing bash the penguin :D
ehh extreme? i did the 2nd extreme in 16 seconds :0
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